📘 Book of the Month 😈

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After a nice break, how is the best reading group on Wattpad? Rested, I hope, and ready for,

Book of the Month


(🎺Blaring horns in honor of the Masterpiece!!!🎺 Drummers, get down!!!🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 )

But first: A word from our sponsors...

📄 NOTES!!!! 🖍

(Good for reading, IF you have them)

1. We had a drop-in visit from one of the originators: Saiki! It was an unexpected and exciting visit! You are loved and missed!


3. Two club members tried to two-week pairing, and the results are in!

We talked about pairing partners for a minimum of two weeks for...

A. Beta reading = a reader who provides advice and comments on the opinions of an average reader

B. Critique partners = a writer who 'test reads' from an author's perspective.

C. Alpha reading = readers who read unrevised or unfinished works just for someone to see where the manuscript is going.

D. Copy editing = revising written material to improve readability and fitness as well as grammatical and factual errors.

RogueWriter55: I enjoyed beta testing the program. To be honest, I think we did everything, BUT beta read. 😆 It was amazing reviewing my partner's masterpiece, sentence by sentence, getting more detailed, giving opinions, and discussing reasonings and changes. And with me pulling an old story out of the woodwork, it was WONDERFUL to have a partner that gave such excellent advice and opinions, more than just pointing out misspelled words or comments. She saw things that still boggle my mind. Hope we can rotate and do this again sometimes.

KitCatK8: Couldn't agree more with what Rogue says above...I feel like we dabbled in a little bit of all the things, and it was wonderful to get to focus on a single piece of writing for a prolonged period of time. Really helped me get into the meat and potatoes of it, and allowed for some back and forth between us as well. I SINCERELY appreciated Dee's thorough nature, her ability to point out when I've used a strange preposition or a 'may' when it should be 'might' (my kryptonite, I've come to find out). Overall, would love to be paired like this again. 

And now, without further ado, it is that time when we give one club member all of our attention! And who is the lucky one?

It's a week of fine reading coming up from our very super-talented KitCatK8

(🎺MORE blaring horns !!!🥁🥁 🥁Drummers, get down!)

Remember: KitCatk8 Requests any and all feedback, no need to pull punches. Is the writing enjoyable, clear, and concise? Are they grammatical errors or typos? Does the story cause any type of emotional reaction? Any suggestions on wording, grammar, and spelling are always welcome. The main question is: Does the story hold your interest? Why or why not? What are your thoughts/theories/feelings about the main character? Is he relatable? Is he believable? Opinions are welcome on what would make the story better!

Note: KitCatK8 is currently working on a revision of Fallen's First. The story remains the same, but some rearranging has been done to eliminate the "interview" aspect and make it completely linear. Some readers have partaken in this revision (Thank you!!) If anyone would like the Revision link, please DM KitCatK8. Otherwise, the original version's links should still be good for individual readers, and the feedback is still EXTREMELY valuable. 

The exciting book of the month is FALLEN'S FIRST. Please read one to two chapters of this week's offering!

Congrats to our Book of the Month author!

😁Next week, we return to normal pairings.😁

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