🎡Assignment 20

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So, did everyone have a good reading week? I know I did! Thank you everyone for reading and listing an inline comment when you were done reading. If anyone hasn't, please take care of that little detail...

Congrats to anyone new on our discord! So happy to have you!

We've also updated our tentative Book of the Month listing. To make it fair for everyone, you MUST be on 'active' two weeks before your month. Since we didn't give you guys a good bit of notice on this, it starts in October. 

And NO, if you miss your month due to 'life' you aren't thrown to the bottom of the list because, in a way, that's not fair either. I'd like to just shift our list hence the *tentative. 


Month 1 - @DelaneyBrenna ✅

Month 2 - @SGSchumpertWrites✅

Month 3 - @KitCatK8✅

Month 4 - @juliecotewriter ✅

*Month 5 - PVChan01

Month 6 - aditibalaji100

*Month 7 - RodrickLR

*Month 8 - Shannara2

*Month 9 - freya_inkwell

Month 10 - EliP56

*Month 11 - BlameSaiki

Month 12 - RogueWriter55

💚After a long hiatus, we've published a review for KitCatK8's Fallen First! If you get a chance, give it a read. A lovely story that deserves its props!

Please check Victim #13 in our review book, Vic's Viewpoints if you'd like to take a read. Sorry, WP isn't letting me post it as a link... ugh!

We'll take more 'victims' in the future so if you're interested, please let us know! 🤣

🧡Thanks so much to @SGSchumpertWrites for writing about her experiences at a writing conference! I swooned with pride for you! Read it for yourself in last week's comments.

Well, no notes today because folks are stingy with news... hehehehe!

Any problems, questions, complaints, etc. just hit us up!

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Constructive criticism is a helpful way of giving feedback that provides specific, actionable suggestions. Rather than providing general advice, constructive criticism gives specific recommendations on how to make positive improvements. Constructive criticism is clear, to the point, and easy to put into action. Some might want more general things, like is it interesting and others, much more detailed IF the reader is so inclined.

Please check for things your assigned partner is looking for below:


*@BlameSaiki - Would like to know if the story is enjoyable and if the reader would like to go deeper. If not, what turns people away? What is the story missing?

*@Shannara2 - I'm looking for a reader who will be able to pinpoint grammar mistakes, punction marks, and redundancy, without changing the main theme of my story. I don't want a skimmer, I want a genuine reader with genuine comments and not negative criticism

*@RodrickLR- I'm looking for readers that would like to share their opinion about the plot and characters. Is the story engaging and the action thrilling? Are the protagonists well-rounded? Is the world understandable? But most of all, my primary goal is to provide the readers with an enjoyable story, so I would sincerely appreciate all their honest opinions, corrections, and suggestions.

*@freya_inkwell- Writes fantasy but currently joining the group as an extra reader.

*@PVChan01 - Would like partners to comment about how engaging and enjoyable they find the story and characters. Please keep an eye out for repetitiveness or awkward sentences. Look out for any big grammar mistakes like misspelled words.

*@DelaneyBrenna - Would like her partner to keep an eye out for repetition with information/descriptors.


@RogueWriter55 - Would like to know if the story is interesting, clear, and concise. PLEASE, point out any typos or parts that sound like an IKEA manual written in Swedish. (Translation: it's not clear) I'll take any advice I can get.

@KitCatK8 - Requests any and all feedback, no need to pull punches. Is the writing enjoyable, clear, and concise? Are they grammatical errors or typos? Does the story cause any type of emotional reaction? Any suggestions on wording, grammar, and spelling are always welcome. The main question is: Does the story hold your interest? Why or why not? What are your thoughts/theories/feelings about the main character? Is he relatable? Is he believable? Opinions are welcome on what would make the story better.

@juliecotewriter - Would love any kind of feedback/editing with an eye toward feedback on the worldbuilding. Mainly things in the genre of, does it make sense and feel realistic, or are there places that should be explained more, or things that seem to contradict.

@SGSchumpertWrites - Wants to be critiqued on everything. Tear it apart (kindly :). If a character is unrelatable, if the dialogue sounds off, if you're getting bored, or feel like the plot is structured strangely, if something doesn't make sense, please tell me. I also tend to overwrite, so if you could help me trim down and cut out unnecessary bits/scenes, which would be lovely. I request no critiquing on grammar/spelling errors since a computer can point out those. Thank you so much for your time and thoughtful consideration. I look forward to working with y'all!

@aditibalaji100 - What I'm looking for: I'd love to get input mainly on the characters and the world-building. I'd love to know both, what's working and what's not. I'd also appreciate help with rephrasing stuff to make it sound sharper and easier to read.

@EliP56 – Because of my past experience, I realize that I become so obsessed with editing that I stop writing (XD) The focus has changed. I'm looking more for thoughts on the characters, plot, plot holes. Not necessarily looking for grammar or deep/rough editing-type comments.


📕 Remember to comment whatever you want (FYI to new members, we had a couple of comedians who liked to post jokes when I suggested posting 'done' or 'complete', so I gave up🤣) by your group, so we know you're done!

KitCatK8 Fallen's First - EliP56 Cat and Mouse

RogueWriter55 The Clearing - aditibalaji100 The Pox Ridden

juliecotewriter Ink and Wine - SGSchumpertWrites Paint Me a Sinner, Paint Me a Saint

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