👣Book of the Month - 3

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Greetings and salutations to the BEST BOOK CLUB on Wattpad!

And it's time for the much-coveted Book of the Month for the month of July!

Drum roll please.... 🥁 da🥁 da🥁da🥁da... dadadadada!!!🥁🥁

Let's show some love and support for the super talented author and their masterpiece:

Fallen's First written by @KitCatK8...

👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 THE CROWD GOES WILD!!!👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Remember, @KitCatK8 requests any and all feedback, no need to pull punches. Is the writing enjoyable, clear, and concise? Are they grammatical errors or typos? Does the story cause any type of emotional reaction? Any suggestions on wording, grammar, and spelling are always welcome. The main question is: Does the story hold your interest? Why or why not? What are your thoughts/theories/feelings about the main character? Is he relatable? Is he believable? Opinions are welcome on what would make the story better.

🎇CONGRATULATIONS! Any feedback concerning the Book of the Month is appreciated. Club minimum is four comments and a brief summary of your opinions at the end of the second chapter

As this book is a google doc, @KitCatK8 has kindly posted docs for everyone! Please comment here when you've read two chapters.

Next week we return to normal pairing.

Added to the *hiatus list: Shannara2.


We are going to post the past and future Books of the Month so everyone knows when their turn is coming up. Why did we decide this? It seemed to make more sense to have a dedicated list and it makes it easier for future BotM to polish up their offerings or make changes before their turn. Or maybe they'll have new specifications. The order was decided around when membership in the club occurred.

If anyone has any comments, questions, remarks, etc. be sure to drop us a note.

Month 1 - @DelaneyBrenna ✅

Month 2 - @SGSchumpertWrites✅

Month 3 - @KitCatK8✅

Month 4 - juliecotewriter...

Month 5 - PVChan01...

Month 6 - aditibalaji100...

Month 7 - RodrickLR...

*Month 8 - Shannara2...

Month 9 - freya_inkwell...

Month 10 - RogueWriter55...

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