🥰BOOK of the MONTH - 6

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Good evening to the best reading group on Wattpad!

Hope you all had a LOVELY reading week. I know I did hanging out with Robin. Berver, bruh... a round of fisticuffs is in order, mate! 😠 And I have something I want to plant...🦶🏼... *evil laugh

The book of the month is upon us, and what a treat we have!

(🎺Blaring horns in honor of the Masterpiece!!!🎺)

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by the super talented aditibalaji100

👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 THE CROWD GOES WILD!!!👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Thank you so much, author, for your offering!! Don't forget, the author is looking to get input on characters and world-building and wants to know what is working or not. Also, rephrasing and sharpening are also appreciated.

Please post when you are done reading, as yes, we're keeping track.

And now...

Notes (gasp!)

1. Sending hugs and good feelings to PVChan01 and EliP56

2. RogueWriter55 is tooting her own horn! (RUDE)🎺Came in second in the BerryPatchCommunity Writing Prompt contest. A good way to test your creativity in 1,000 words or less.

3. aditibalaji mentioned us having writing group meet-ups. Saiki and KitCatK8 had spoken about this also. We'll be polling to see who is interested and who is available. People who have experience and such are welcome to add their input! Count me in!

Any other notes, questions, or comments, please contact kKitCatk8 or RogueWriter55!

Congrats to our Book of the Month! Next week we return to normal pairings.

Sugarbabes Round Robin Reading Group [Closed Group]Where stories live. Discover now