What Do We Do?

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😑 Serious message coming up, group ... one that's been on our minds for a while.

When we started the group, we thought it better to keep it small and cozy. We write together, vibe, and lift each other up on our writing journeys. We've tried to make things fun and not be sticklers for RULES and REGULATIONS. People have lives outside of the club, hence letting us know when you need to go on hiatus.

We don't worry about people going on hiatus. We've had folks on hiatus for months and the motto is, 'you do you, we'll be here when you get back.'

But what's been going on with 📖Book of the Month is really making us consider dropping the concept.

For Book of the Month, we ask that active readers each read two chapters, then mark/comment ✅ that they've read. Simple for us (moderators) so we don't need to crawl through the books to see the comments.

Makes sense? Easy peasy?


We did notice sometimes the "active readers" did not equal those who read Book of the Month. Gentle reminders were sent out on our discord.

But after the last Book of the Month, we're considering scrapping it. We had six active readers but only three actually read chapters (when the average number is 6). The writer graciously thanked anyone who read, and this reader has read a majority of the other books of the month.

This isn't fair.

Book of the Month is an 👍🏼honor, where one writer gets to shine to the group. It is hard to shine if people skip reading. Let's please have a conversation here or on discord if Book of the Month should continue, drop it, or what can we do about the problem.

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