News and Notes

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🥰Greetings to the Round Robin Reading Group! We hope you all had good reads 📖 📗this week, and people got some enjoyable and helpful comments! ✏

With so many people out on hiatus and people prepping their stories for the Wattys and other ventures, we decided perhaps our group would take its summer break a bit early.

😎Summer break starts today, 7/24/22 to 8/6/2022😎

The Whys:

1️⃣ We have more members on hiatus than readers. We hope the break will give some of our members time to come back and participate if possible.

2️⃣On August 8, we'll reconvene with the Book of the Month. We hope by then we'll have more members able to read not only because it's a great book, but it also makes the author feel good that people read, commented, and enjoyed.

Next BoTM: Shoutout to Wanderlust and the AMAZING juliecotewriter 

3️⃣We also ask ONE VERY IMPORTANT FAVOR.🎺Trumpets blare! 👀 Eyes opened!

Please read!

In the interest of transparency, we're checking in to ensure there's still interest in the group. We want it to work for everyone, but if you've realized it's not your thing or life has bombarded you, NO WORRIES! Please let us know if you'd like to continue and/or if you have any ideas on how to improve our group. Please leave a comment, DM, snail mail, etc.

Humbly yours,

 your founders and moderators,

 KitCatK8 and RogueWriter55

If you have any comments, questions, etc., just let us know here, on DMs or Discord.

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