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She went into a cafe and picked a table by a window by the door.She noticed two gentlemen who walked in but noticed they were demons instead.She didn't overheard their complete conversation but just heard the name Winchesters.She heard at one point one demon planning on killing Sam's girlfriend.She heard that the two were looking for their father John.To her,it was official that Sam's girlfriend was killed.She started following to keep tabs on them.She went into a town for a case.That night,she went to a bar to have a little fun.She suddenly got kidnapped.Next thing she knew she was in a cage and noticed a man."Hey what's your name?"Man asked."Jordan."She said."I'm Sam.I think my brother Dean will save us."He said.She nodded."There was a man here as well but he escaped but I think he's dead."He explained.She nodded once more than noticed a man walked in."Hey,Dean,I think there's a switch or key over there."Sam pointed out.He nodded then went over and opened the doors for them.She walked out of it then helped the best she could on taking the people down.She met the cop that Dean brought in.The cop made sure that they walked.She took the offer of them giving her a ride.

After a few days,she met up with them again on a different case.They met another couple of guys who said that they were ghost investigators.They went back to the house after hearing a girl died.They went back to it that night and spotted the two men.Dean called out and the police chased the two men long enough for them to get in to investigate it better.They soon rushed out and ran.She noticed that the two men who got chase by the police got arrested.They went back to the motel long enough to figure what was off.They went to the music shop and hear the real story.They tried to figure out how to stop it.She offered the idea burning it instead.The next day,they grabbed something eat then went to a place where the two men stayed at to taking the story down.Later that day,they went to a restaurant to grab something eat.That night,they made their way inside and almost shot the two men they keep bumping into.They realized that their idea of making sure the story was taking down or the real story was useless due the fact their server were down.They went to her idea by burning down.

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