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After a few days,they traveled to a town.They stopped by that near a park.She noticed the park was nearly empty and checked the time.She thought it was odd at this time of the day.She heard that the children were getting sick.They asked around a bit to get information then finally booked a room.She stay back to look into it more.She finally dug into enough where she called them to give them the information that she found out.She went back to the motel room and heard Dean's story.She soon heard Dean's plan on using a kid to take down the monster who is killing the kids.She thought the plan was a good idea.At least something to work with and able to take down the monster.They talked with the kid at the desk since he was the best option and since his brother is in the hospital due to the monster that were hunting.She watch the planned into action.Dean killed the monster while saving his own brother.The following day,they left town.

A few days later,they went into another town while hearing there were some murders.They went to auction.She took a look around a bit until she came across a painting.She thought it was odd.She went to the car and they went to a motel and settle in.

Sam went on a date with a girl while she and Dean stayed back.She did a bit of research about the painting that she saw.Soon,she noticed Sam came back from his date.She listen to them talk.She stayed at the motel while they went out.She took a look at photo of the painting and thought it odd.Next day,she went to a library and printed the photo then back to the auction with them.She took another look at the painting.She join back with them."Got anything?"

"We need to go to their burial place.I have a theory.I think part of them is still around but not sure who's."She then explained the painting and the photo in hand of the painting.She stuck around because she felt like she owed them and was trying to return it as a favor.Sam made a call to the girl he been trying to see.He learn about the painting and gotten the address.They found a woman in a chair dead.The following day,they went to the cemetery and have a look around then dig a bit deeper.That night they went back to the cemetery and dug up a body.They salt it and burn it.She didn't think it the man of the family but she was glad to do it anyways to make sure of it.They went back to the house.After Sam and the girl went inside,the door slammed shut.She and Dean went to the cemetery to burn a doll that belong to the girl in the painting.They soon left town and went into another.She noticed they finally met John on a hunt against vampires due the fact that they killed a hunter.She only heard the news through a message before they heard it.They finally got a gun that she only seen once but heard about it a lot.Once they killed the leader of the vampires of that group,they went back to the abandon house to do research on the yellow eyes.

At some point,they found John at a motel.She could tell it wasn't the same John.She didn't tell but wanted to get him away safely.They ended up figuring it out while she stepped away.When she came back,she seen that they were hurt.She tried her best to get them into the car and drove them to the hospital.She would've used her powers but she knew it'll be a bigger problem then that.Suddenly,a semi clash into them.Hurting her in the process.She soon learn that John made a deal to keep Dean alive.John told her as secret and would live by it on not telling them until it was time.Since he going to die soon,she told him her secret who she really is but knew he wouldn't believe her but knew he would take it to his grave.She doesn't want to tell them just yet and felt like she owe her life to them but yet knew they going tend owe their to her at the end.

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