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She stayed at a motel room after getting one.She sensed something wrong and got a called from Sam about Dean.She rushed over to the house that he was tied up at.She noticed Sam went in already.She untied Dean while took care of Gorden.After that,they went into another town at a motel that was closing soon.She heard what had been happening.She walked around a bit while Sam was getting drunk.She noticed the pictures on the wall then noticed Dean and the old man who worked there.

Next day,she went to the bar and grabbed a drink.Dean walked up to her."We have to leave."He said.She nodded then went to the room and packed her stuff.She place it in the car then got in.They left and soon came back.The boys took the woman inside.She walked around the place then seen the little girl went to the pool.She rush to it the tried to break in.She finally broke in once they finally got to the pool.She dive right into the pool and brought the girl up to the surface.Sam took her and finish saving her while she got out of the pool."Are you okay?"Dean asked her."Yeah."

"Nice saving there."

She nodded then seen the girl was fine."Than you."The woman said."Your welcome."She said.She later find out older woman had died.They went to Milwaukee.She learn they were dealing with shapeshifters.Dean made sure she stayed at the motel while they were at the bank.She watched some tv and seen the news were Dean was on the news.She sighed heavily and not sure how they're going to get out of this situation.She drove to the garage and picked them up and drove away.They went to another city for a case.Sam heard a case where people seeing angel and do God's will.She doesn't believe it but does believe that a ghost is doing it.She didn't tell either one of them and let them figure it out instead.She did her research while they check out the crimes scenes and talk with people.She did let Sam know about a ritual that he can do to prove ideal it's ghost.

Later,while Sam and Dean were out,she stayed at the motel until they came back.When they came back,she heard when they said.She thought right that it was a ghost and knew that Dean told him.Dean told them what happened.

About couple of weeks later,she heard that Sam finally called Dean and they went to the city that he was in.She heard Sam out for a moment and noticed that he was being possessed.She wasn't sure what type of demon just yet.They retraced his footsteps and went to a home and seen a dead body and realized the dead body was an hunter.When they went back to the motel,she went to go get food.When she came back,she noticed Dean was laying on the floor.She got him to wake up."We have to find Sam.Not sure where he went."She said.They gather everything up then used a phone to check on where Sam is at.They went to Duluth.When they got there,she made sure she went over to the side where Sam wouldn't see her and called Bobby and let him know in case Sam went there.She soon walked in and noticed Dean was hurt then she sighed.She and Dean went to Bobby's house.She did let Dean know that she did let Bobby know ahead of time.They finally got there and seen Sam laying on the floor.She help them with Sam.Dean slapped Sam to wake him up.She checked his arm and noticed a mark while Bobby tried to send the demon back to hell.She quickly grabbed an iron rod from the fire then placed it over the mark.

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