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She heard that John passed away soon.They took the body and burned it.Sam went through John's phone as she finished working a car that she was tinkering off and on.She went with them to the roadhouse bar to get any information.She looked around a bit to see if anyone was around.She noticed couple of ladies came out.They chatted a bit then the boys went on a case while she stayed back to help Bobby a bit.She went on the next case.She quickly learn that it vampires.She met a man name of Gordon.She heard about him and yet she didn't trust him.She knew that Sam went out for a bit but ended up learning that he was taken to a nest without getting hurt.She went to the nest since they noticed Gorn left with Dean's keys.They tried to talk Gordon on not killing the vampire.They ended up tying him up.

Sam was determined to visit Mary Winchester's grave.She and Dean noticed something odd at a grave.Sam didn't believe just yet until they dug into it.They made up a plan once they figured out the case.They set up a plan and got it started.Once they got the zombie back into the coffin,they made sure she stayed in her coffin.They went to hospital to get Sam's hand checked out.Ever since she met the boys,she been catching feeling for Dean.She went back to Bobby's place to help him out while the boys worked on a case with Jo.She join them on case but heard that they got arrested.They used a code when they're in trouble or arrented.At this point she learn that a few women were getting killed.Bruises on their wrist and throat being cut.She figured that they're getting framed for the crimes,specially Dean.She became worried for them.She hear from the cop that her partner took Dean after visiting a shop's basement and digged up bones.They went to where the cop's partner stopped out to rescued Dean.After that,they took the car and drove another place.She learned that a few people made deals and getting killed.They visited a man to talked to for a moment.She seen black dust and thought the man was smart.

After talking to the man,they visited another man to try to save him.Dean went out to see to make a deal to save him.One night,she got woken up by Dean.She pulled a gun on him."Woah."He said as he threw his hands up."Sorry."She said then put it away."We got to go.We got a case."Dean said.She nodded then got ready then placed her stuff into the trunk and got in.She slept in the back of the car.When they got there,she got out and noticed a word then checked her phone and thought it was odd.They asked around for a man.They went to the man's family's house and talked with them.They thought they were being odd and show the two men that they talked after finding out what they were doing to a woman.They took the woman to a clinic and helped her out.She and Sam stayed there as Dean went out.Soon,Dean came back with a man.He explain a bit then sudden a man came up to the door.It was the man they were looking for from the beginning.She seen that the man was a demon but she let it go for now and let another hunter deal with him.The nurse infected Sam.They made sure Sam went into another room to be safe.She found out that he was fine.They next day,they left into another town.Sam took off.She and Dean heard where Sam at and went into the town.She noticed Sam in a room with a girl.

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