87. The Longest Journey

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"Clementine!" called a familiar voice in the distance.

"Sarah?" Clem leapt off the hood of the car and started moving to the figure. "Sarah!" Clem saw the older girl's face come into view, Omid Jr still clutched to her chest. "Are you okay?" asked Clem as she reached her friend.

"Yeah... I'm okay," assured a tired Sarah between deep breaths. "And... I got Omid to stop crying. At least for now. Are you okay? I heard a gunshot."

"Yeah, I figured if you were far enough away where they couldn't hear OJ crying, and they heard something else loud, they'd follow that instead," explained Clem. "So I went into the woods and shot my gun."

"Wow, that's really smart," complimented Sarah between breaths.

"I'm just glad it worked."

Sarah surveyed their surroundings. "Um... what do we do now?"

"We... we need to keep moving."

"Moving where?"

"I... I don't know," said Clem. "But Shaffer's said they were coming to Springfield to find us. So we should get far away before they get here." Clementine took a breath and started walking again, and Sarah followed.

"So, what about the truck?" Clementine looked to Omid Jr. He was quiet at the moment, but he seemed to be fidgeting ever so slightly in Sarah's grasp.

"I don't think we can risk it," said Clem. "We barely got away and if OJ cries we'd have to do it all over again."

"Well, what if one of us went and the other one stayed here with Omid?"

"I... I don't want to do that. If something went wrong, then it would just be one of us with OJ, or just one of us alone."

"But if we didn't have Omid with us, we could just walk past the lurkers."

"Yeah, but Matt might still be in Springfield, waiting to attack us," seethed a bitter Clem. "And Shaffer's is coming too. And... I don't even know how to drive."

"I do... sorta. But I wouldn't know what to do if Matt or someone from Shaffer's found me."

"Let's just keep going."

"What do you think happened to Christa? Did the bite actually kill her that fast?"

"I'm not sure. Lee passed out after he got bitten, so maybe she was still alive." Clementine found herself tearing up. "But... we can't go back for her now. And even if we did, the bite would just kill her later."

"I'm sorry Clementine."

"It's just not fair," Clem mumbled to herself. "But, life's not fair, so..." Clem noticed Sarah had stopped moving, looking at one of the cars near the side of the road.

"Sarah, come on. We—"

"There's a car seat in this one."


"So, that's something only babies use. Maybe it has other things for babies." Sarah moved to the car and put her hand on the door.

"Sarah, don't," ordered Clem.

"There might be something we need for Omid in here."

"I know, but you got to be careful when checking places you don't know are safe. There could be a walker in there."

"Oh, right, I'm sorry."

Clementine removed her tomahawk and approached the car. "When you open it, make sure you don't stand right in front of the door, in case something comes out."

Young and Young at Heart (The Rewrite of The Walking Dead Game: S2) [TWDG/TWD]Where stories live. Discover now