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Imagination is the writer's soul. It's what causes us to become so overwhelmed by emotions that we have to do something about it. Whatever we dream, whatever we see, whatever sparks our imagination makes the literature you see, read, dream about yourself. Others can inspire you. Everything around us can inspire us. Imagination is what takes us to a whole new level of thinking. It causes you to dig into the deep recesses of your soul and heart. It brings out a magic. Magic that can only be brought to life through our imagination. Without imagination, everything is plain. Simple. Magic ceases to exist without imagination. Through imagination, we always see beauty. Something that leaves us in awe. Something that leaves us speechless. With a little imagination, we morph this beauty that we see, smell, feel, dream into words. These words flow along like a little stream. The stream gradually picks up and quickly cascades into a river. This river empties into an ocean of feelings. Emotions run thickly through these waters. Our imaginations take these floods and shape our thinking. It shapes our dreams.

Everyone needs a little imagination.

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