Imagine This

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Imagine what I'm telling you, the travels, joys and stories. Imagine what I've shown you, the trials, the behind the scenes, and the ballads. Imagine what could happen after this. Imagine what chapter I could bring. Imagine what I write next. Imagine what I've worked so hard for, the dreams finally fleshed out. Imagine what I've scratched on these pages. Imagine what I've shown you of myself in this book. Imagine what I want to do with my life. Imagine what I've become and what I will keep on. Imagine how I've changed. Imagine who has left. Imagine what I've experienced.

Now imagine this.

My next chapter in life is this-my midnight diary. I want to share this new page with you-my new leaf if you will. I've mapped out who I am and what I've seen and now you get to see what happens after this and experience it with me.

 I have several jobs-several hobbies if you will. Those don't define me, only goals only run of the mill. I don't want to be known as the girl who struggles-I want to be known as the woman who could do whatever she put her mind to. For it isn't myself that fuels me, no. It's another power behind me. One that can move mountains. One that loves me whatever I do. One that will never leave me. Now imagine that. I'm not defined by my accomplishments but who made them happen. Imagine.

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