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i hate the way the telephone doesn't come with your warm hug included. i hate that when face time glitches, we can't even see our faces or hear our voices anymore. i hate that texting  cannot convey our tones of happy or what we mean by that sentence. i hate that a phone call can be hung up on when your phone dies and i'm left wondering. i hate that you can't send a kiss over emojis. i hate that i can't poke your cheeks or rub your shoulders when you need a little cheering up. i hate that we can't see each other face to face, the barrier of time and sleep schedules preventative. i hate that we have to wait until our schedules are free before seeing one another and i hate that technology has become this backup in case we can't speak that day. i hate the distance bridging between us. but most of all, i hate how i rely on it now to speak to you when all else fails.

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