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Betrayal. It can come in many fashions. But it all leads to the same feelings of neglect, confusion, and righteous indignation. Why would they do something like this? Why does everything they say to me have to be a lie? Why can't you trust me with anything anymore? It's not you growing up if you continue making stupid decisions. "I will support you no matter what" is what you say. But will you still support them even if they've lied to you and acted like a completely different person around you? What's the point in being "best" friends if you still feel the need to hide everything from me and keep lying to my face? I go along with what you want. I do have my own morals; but I had hoped that you wouldn't start breaking yours down for something stupid you can't let go of. Why would you abandon me after all we've been through? The only link holding us together was the fact that we both "got" each other. That link might be severed if you keep up your charade of who you really are. You never tell me anything anymore. Your attitude lately has everything to do with your terrible choices in life. You wanna know why that person has been talking bad behind your back? Maybe it's because you gave them the reason but you're too chicken to own up to the fact so you pretend by lying about it to your friends. I will help you when you need it, but if you cancel out the one thing that I value most, honesty, in our relationship, then I will cut you off and move on. I don't have time or the patience to be screwed over by people that I thought I could trust before. That's betrayal, you jerk. That's the knife in the back.

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