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you can't put a name to it; it doesn't have any words to describe it. You know it by the moment and the feeling left behind. it works in your insides, twisting and turning until you feel completely at peace yet tumultuous waves churning when you breathe. it started with a look, the electric blue eyes piercing within you. it ends with a breath as quiet as the dew drops surrounding you on the truck bed. it's a silence that fills the air between you thickly-not uncomfortably, it remains full of meaning. it does not need to be filled, the air thicker than butter. it's a quiet yet roaring loud within your ears. it's a peace that steals over your limbs, comfortable and safe. it has a hidden meaning of heartache and a waterfall of tears if broken. it begs to be said yet no one knows the words. it has the power to destroy and the power to create. you don't need to kiss; you don't need to whisper the words. i love you isn't enough but it's unspoken between you. you can't find the words but you know you need him beside you. you know that just the aura radiating from around him needs to fill that blank car exterior. you know that you feed off that energy-touching or not. you each know what the other is feeling and that's all you really needed because even though the lips cannot form the words needed; the kisses won't speak it; the embrace or steady breaths against your cheek won't tattletale; you know it intimately in your chest. the steady thumping of your heart quickens ever so slightly, the hum around you even fills with the pregnant silence. you know it even when frustration sets in when you struggle to speak. he nods and lifts his head, those electric eyes opening to slits and asks the one thing that you were already thinking. "i wonder if anyone has ever felt like us." you've wondered it too. with this feeling, this moment, you breath in and wonder how divorce was ever possible. you wonder how heartbreak is even possible. you wonder how other people function in relationships without it. it spreads from the silence between you two and warms your fingertips-spreading until it reaches the far corners of your body. you could just sit there for hours completely enclosed within this bubble. then you begin to dislike everything else for interrupting it. the world is like an irritating little sibling pestering you to want to play with them when all you want is some alone time. but that's what the feeling is. the jealousy of wanting him just for yourself. the need to just be around him, perhaps not even knocking knees side by side or hitting elbows but just breathing in the same oxygen. it isn't the possessive need to just have only his attention; it's just sharing the same room with him; sharing a glance; stealing a smile. it's love in a different form that just saying i love you can't control. and that is also the moment when you've realized this that it only gets better because with time, love grows and with that, you don't know where you will be living or what job you will have or how many children will have ransacked your tidy house and used half of your makeup when they wanted to draw warpaint on their cheeks but you know that one day they will feel it too with someone and that is the day that they won't have any words to describe their day either.

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