dazed eyes

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She stands there, bouncing on her toes. Happiness overflows her pores, a broad grin spreading from each cheek. Her answers to your questions come quickly, too quickly. There is no sign of being depressed for so long. There's something about the way she turns quickly away whenever she's finished talking; the same unsettling feeling washes over you as you watch her eyelashes quiver. There is something off about her-something fake. It's all in the face and posture. The moment he walks through the door, she bounces up, making her way rapidly over to his side. Her eyes flicker rapidly as if she's seeing mutiple images but not sure which to focus on. A smile is plastered almost uncertainly to her face, the muscles not sure what's happening. They relax, making the smile plastered and barbie-like. There's something lacking behind her happiness, that bright laugh that rings through the air. Maybe because you are looking for any sign of abnormal behavior that you notice it. It's not the fact that she's not smiling; that is not what's wrong. It's the absence of the laugh, something so trivial that one would hardly notice. Her hand goes hesitantly into his and your insides sour knowing he's reason for all of this. He was the reason why she was so empty inside. He was the reason for the absence of her laugh after the joke. Her reflexes are quick, but something drags. You cannot place what it is until she turns around and gives you the plastered barbie look. It is her eyes that tell the tale. They are dazed, vacant but moving always. She's not even aware of it, not even noticing the expression that is so wrong. And that is when you begin to hate him and what he's begun. Because the medicine can only last so long; the false joy can only give the pretense so long before it will crush her. And that was when you want to squash him, but you know she won't listen to whatever you say. And then you wonder which is the real reason for the dazed eyes.

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