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it all began with your voice; lower than most and definitely not what I was expecting from the quiet one. it all began with your eyes-piercing and startling ice blue against that dark hair. it began when the hair grew long and flopped messily over your forehead when you played basketball. it settled in my stomach when your arm fit tightly around me and pulled me close. it settled in my cheeks when i could hear your heart beat against my ear, and only my ear. it crawled its way up into my head, fuzzy and yet strong, when you pulled tighter, embracing me with every fiber of your strength. it settled in my heart when you grab my shoulders to pull me away when something comes toward me that could harm me. it stopped my breathing when you whisper i love you. it started out small and grew thicker than bamboo. it crept through my toes and fingers, racing down my spine and washing crimson over my face. a snug little niche inside my chest expanded, overflowing with the blessings, and filling every sigh and breath with a warmth of happiness. it pulses with my heart and trips and skips over itself when i see you striding towards me, your eyes flickering over me and then glancing away before extending one arm to embrace me. thats what it all feels like in the end-a hug that extends forever with the coziness of home and the scent of vanilla musk and what warm blankets cover us feel like. it enveloped your every sense, security stealing over you and your muscles relax. thats what it feels like. thats what contentment feels like. it feels like you.

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