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you can now relate to a pot or that stupid saying half empty, or half full. it's your decision to be empty or full, or so they think. in reality, it's much harder. it feels as if something is hollow in your chest, food, breath, drink or anything besides the Love of Christ cannot fill it. you cannot fill the empty pot with friends, or hobbies, or a sport, or any kind of person. it will fade away leaving you emptier than when you began. i've always wondered at the saying, empty hands are the devil's workshop. but do we need to slow down in time, clear our plate so to speak to get the idea that we really haven't filled ourselves with the Holy Ghost but other earthly things? how do you know before? one can only hope and pray and make sure they are carving out time for God and Him alone. fill your vessel with Him and nothing else and the rest will fall into place. your cup will overfloweth if you do this; no more empty space echoing if  a pebble was dropped in the depth. fill your emptiness with Him and His word and do not be empty.

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