The Escape

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We all stood on a platform as Anita instructed us to "Get back in formation!" She paused as she looked around. "Keep training." She told us as she walked away. 

We continued training until Wheels noticed something in the sky. He raced to find Anita. He came back with Anita and Missy. We all looked up in the sky to see helicopters soar above us. 

"They sure found you fast." Anita commented. 

"They wanna take us back to headquarters." Facemaker whined.

"Really?" I asked in mock confusion. "I thought they wanted to invite us to a teaparty!"

"Well, too bad." Missy said with new found confidence. "We've got a world to save."

"Hm." Anita approved. She pushed a button on the top of her walking stick to reveal a secret path in the bushes. "Go through this tunnel. I'll hold them off." 

We all hurried into the tunnel. I looked over my shoulder to see Missy talking with Anita. I looked back and went to the tunnel. 

I slid down a slide and fell into Acapella. I got up, blushing, as Missy followed me. 

"Guys?" Missy asked. "Come on!" 

"It sure is dark in here." Guppy mentioned with a hint of fear in her voice.

"C'mere, Guppy." I held my hand out for her and she took it. 

"Ojo, can I borrow your flashlight for a minute?" Missy asked. Ojo handed her iPad to Missy. "We just have to stick...together." Missy said as she started walking down the tunnel.

"Yeah, and find a way up to the mother ship, and defeat the aliens who defeated all the Heroics." Wildcard reminded. 

"What could we do differently from our parents." Wheels asked the group as we all caught up to Missy.

"Everything." Missy exclaimed. "Like we lure the aliens out of the cities, so that we don't destroy more buildings."

"She's right." Rewind said. "Our parents are always having huge brawls in the middle of the most populated cities."

"Don't we need superhero costumes?" Guppy interjected. 

"All superheroes have costumes. Pads, fake muscles, ton of useless buckles." Fast Forward mentioned. 

"Underwear on the outside." Acapella said like it was an offence.

"Bright colors that in no way conceal them." I added. 

"Masks you can barely see out of." Rewind said. 

"That's why they were able to pick out our parents so easily." Fast Forward concluded.

"Because they were easy to spot." Missy finished. "We have to blend in. Be...stealth." Missy looked and sounded like she had saw something weird, but I didn't think it was the time to say anything. Plus, I was still annoyed that Missy was able to calm Guppy down faster than me. 

"How?" Wild Card asked. 

"Just trust me. I have a plan." Missy cockily answered. 

We continued to make our way through the tunnel until we reached vines. Missy pushed them out of the way and we all left the dark tunnel. Guppy let go of my hand, but still stayed close to me.

"Where? What plan?" Wild Card pushed. It was weird. Wild Card was starting to not get on my nerves as much. It wasn't normal, and I didn't like it. Although it was nice to not get annoyed every time he opened his mouth. 

"I'll show you." Missy told him. Missy held up Ojo's tablet and showed Wild Card, who still looked confused.

"The plan is we're gonna sneak on a bus?"

Missy put her mouth to Wild Card's ear and whispered something that startled Wild Card who exclaimed, "Holy...doo doo." He was lucky that he caught himself. "I mean, yes, very interesting. Uh-huh. Okay, makes sense. Yep. Okay. Wow, that's really smart."

"Oh, for Pete's sake! Just tell us the stinking plan!" I burst out.

Wild Card rolled his eyes at me and took the tablet from Missy. "Ok, everyone, Missy and I figured out a way for us to do this. Check it out." He turned the tablet around to show a drawing that Ojo had drawn. The tablet showed us one of the alien ships. "Ojo drew us a clue. A supply ship." Everyone congratulated Ojo. 

"So, what does that mean?" Acapella asked.

"It means," Wild Card handed the tablet back to Missy, "There's probably one nearby that we'll sneak on board and pilot up to the mother ship."

 "That's actually a good idea no matter who thought of it." Wheels said.

"Thank you." And he's back. Wild Card taking all the credit, per usual. 

"Oh, shut up, Wild Card." I snapped. I wasn't the only one annoyed, though. Everyone else groaned.

"Come on, it's time we show these aliens what's what." Missy told us.

We all ran after Missy, who had already left. 

"Hurry up, Slo-Mo!" Wild Card called. "Ouch!" 

"It had been too long." I simply shrugged. 

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