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My eyes fluttered open with a sort of burning sensation on my lips. I looked up to see A Capella staring at me with eyes full of hope.

"Hi." A Capella nearly whispered.

"Hi." I repeated with slight confusion. "What happened?"

The rest of the group smirked at each other as A Capella avoided all eye contact, blushing.

Clearing his throat, Wheels said, "I hate to ruin the moment, but we have 8 minutes left."

"What moment?" I asked as my confusion grew. I thought back to what Ojo had told me before I blacked out. True love will always win out. Remember that. Realization crossed my face as I began to blush as well. Thoughts raced around my mind as I tried to think about what to do next.

But before I could think further, Wheels spoke up again. "Again, 8 minutes!"

"Ok, let's go!" Noodles spoke for everyone, breaking the tender moment.

Turning to the door, everyone started leaving. But before A Capella could leave, I grabbed her wrist, making her stop.

I started to hear an argument break out between WildCard and Missy about how WildCard is tired of taking orders from Missy, but I blocked that out.

Staring into A Capella's eyes, I lightly kissed her before whispering, "Who knew it would be Ojo that forced our feelings to become a reality?" A Capella chuckled lightly before I said, "We should go. If we stay in here alone for too long, I won't want to leave."

"Agreed." A Capella grabbed my hand and led us outside to where we saw WildCard and FaceMaker walking away from the rest of the group.

"What can you do?" Missy was saying. "Some people are just..." She trailed off as Wheels reminded us of the time once more.

We were able to remember where the room with the giant pyramid was and somehow found our way to that room.

Running to the pyramid, Wheels yells out, "We only have 6 minutes left!" We stop in front of the pyramid as Wheels stops to think what to do.  "Not a problem. Not a problem. All I have to do is reprogram rocket's main contr..." Wheels stopped talking as a red force field started to cover the pyramid.

"What is that?" Rewind asked.

I turned and looked at Ojo, who was smirking. Seething, I considered spilling the beans, but after a second thought, I realized that exposing her wouldn't do anything anyway.

Wheels reached behind him and pulled out a tire pump. He extended it towards the force field. "Maybe it's a..." Right when the tire pump touched the force field, it disintegrated. "A force field?"

"No, no, no, no we were so close!" Missy whined.

"But there's no one here but us." A Capella pointed out.

I turned fully to glare at Ojo, who was looking at me pointedly.

"Who did this?" Noodles asked.

"You promised!!" I roared at Ojo.

"Calm down, Phoenix. I did." Ojo announced.

"Ojo, did you just talk?" Noodles asked.

"No, she barked. Yes she talked!" I exclaimed as the tips of my hair began to smoke.

"I could always talk." Ojo answered. "I simply chose to observe and listen instead. And what I heard was chaos, dysfunction, disharmony...just like your parents."

"But that's not true." Missy countered.

What was she taking about? That was exactly true. "Shut up. Literally everything she said is us." I rolled my eyes.

Ignoring me, Missy said as she walked forward, "We were working together."

"Were you? Then where's Wild Card?" Ojo seemed to have proven her point.

"That's a good question. Hey, Wild Card, old buddy. Are you in the ship's control room yet?" Missy asked with enough smugness to get her out of even the worst scenario.

"I sure am. Just like we planned, old buddy." Wild Card's voice rang out over non existent speakers.

"You were working together?" Ojo asked in shock.

"Surprise! I even sent him on a secret mission. Isn't that right, Wild Card?" Missy said.

"Yep! And when the team leader tells you to do something, you hop to it." Wild Card responded.

"Since when did you accept Missy as the leader?" Ojo asked for everyone.

"Since the tunnel when she told me you were an alien spy." Wild Card announced as I continued glaring at Ojo.

"Ojo's an alien spy?" Rewind and FastForward repeated in unison.

I stepped forward in pure anger. "You said that you wouldn't hurt anyone! You promised!" My voice shook with anger.

"And I won't." Ojo continued smirking at me.

"Then take down the death field!" I roared.

"She's an alien. She's not going to help us." Missy told me. It was actually the most reasonable thing that she's ever said.

Ojo's tentacles came into view from her back. "You knew. How'd you figure it out?"

"You accidentally gave it away in one of your drawings. Your art never lies." Missy admitted. "You work for Granada, don't you?"

"Or does Granada work for you?" I was still angry with Ojo, but I was also interested in where this would go.

"They all work for me." Ojo said in slight pride.

At that moment, FaceMaker came running to the room in WildCard's clothes. As he ran past Ojo, he accidentally ran into one of her tentacles. "What the...Ojo's an alien!"

"We know!" Everyone yelled together.

"Nice work, Sherlock." I sarcastically told FaceMaker.

FaceMaker, who seemed to be untouched by our outburst, shrugged and joined the group.

"And now you can be impressed..." WildCard's voice rang out again. "And soon as I figure out which button removes the shield."

"Knowing the aliens, it's probably a big button with a picture of a shield on it." Wheels noted.

"Oh!" WildCard seemed to have found the button and pressed it as the shield went down, resulting with everyone, except Ojo and I, cheering. Although I did crack a small smirk or my own.

"I hate to spoil your celebration, but there's still two minutes left." Ojo pointed up at the top of the pyramid to where the timer was showing that there was still two and a half minutes left. "Game's not over yet."

And with that, Ojo started drawing.

Y'all I'm sorry! I'm alive don't worry. I could use the "I was busy excuse" but I wasn't. I just forgot. 🫠

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