Chapter 9

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The walk back was only slightly awkward. After making her understand that leaving notes was not a good way to get my attention I gave her my phone number, something that I probably should've done at the start hadn't she been so damn intimidating.

We walked in silence. With such a wide gait she often left me in the dust without realizing while I fought against the rush hour foot traffic as if I was in danger of being swept away by a stampede.

She was mostly silent, in fact I was willing to assume her argument with me probably used all of her word quota for the day and that I'd be given the silent treatment until I retreated to my bedroom for the night. Walking behind her I couldn't help but watch her move. Regardless of how frustrating the whole situation was, my attraction to the woman had remained, as much as I despised it. 

Once home I felt my first bit of security by being surrounded by my possessions, as few as they were. It felt... good. There was still no television but my life was distracting enough. As expected, Scarlett said nothing.

I already knew I was lonely. I wasn't too proud to allow myself to come to the conclusion. But while I made dinner in the kitchen with her watching, it was amazing how even heavier the loneliness felt when someone was actually here but silent. It was like I was being given a glimpse of what it would be like to have the presence of another except that person was nothing more than a ghost.

At one point I did let myself speak up as the question refused to go away. With burgers frying on the stove in front of me I didn't bother to turn around to look. I knew she was there somewhere.

"How did you find me?" I eventually asked.

It didn't take her long to reply.

"I followed your scent all the way from your house to the hotel."

I didn't say anything back since it was a coin toss if she'd reply.

When the burgers were done I used my little step stool to reach the plates and cups like a good little hostess. The ones I'd made for her were displayed on one plate while the sole burger I'd made for myself sat on another.

I was about to grab a glass of water when I watched my phone light up beside me. Assuming it was Henry from work I excitedly unlocked my phone. At this point I was ready for communication of any kind.

"Good evening, Zoey. I'm Alice, Rosalynn's personal assistant. We met the other day. Lord Astor was kind enough to give me your phone number-"

"Goddammit, Dad," I said aloud before I could even finish reading.

It was strange but I could actually feel Scarlett react behind me, like the air was being drawn out of the room. I didn't want to continue reading the text here.

"Burgers are done if you want any. The one burnt all to hell is mine."

I reached into the fridge and felt the neck of the beer bottle. Without looking I yanked it out and headed for the back door. Opening it I felt a rush of cool night air. It was the one good thing about leaving apartment life behind. The back yard was nothing but a small square but it was something.

"Lady Rosalynn would like to meet with you tomorrow evening. She has a great deal to discuss about the transition and the current state of affairs. The Lady would also like me to say that she would also like to spend some quality time with her sister."

I rolled my eyes slightly at the last part while pacing through my garden of weeds in the backyard. I couldn't deny the love I had for my sister, but she seemed downright terrified that I was leaving her to do this alone. I wasn't one to judge, given my current mental state, but if she thought the very idea of taking over in my father's stead was tough, she was in for a whirlwind of awakening when the transition actually happened and she was in charge of us all.

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