Be Like A Tree, And Let The Leaves Drop

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Those smells, those sounds.  Ah crap, I remember this place. Too often have I ended up in this spot, and for the most stupidest reasons too. But hey, that's OK, as I said, couple of plasters here and there, few bandages  and boom, good as new right? The nurses seemed to do an OK job, but they stated no strong, physical work for the next couple of days, just to make sure everything healed properly, and whilst I was happy to get out of Physical Education, I wasn't so happy about the idea of missing out on patrols, so I knew I had to keep that one quiet from the others, after all, what if Mr Stark got angry that he didn't hear about it? What if Mr Stark told May and she got angry about it? What if the orphanage found out? I'd never hear the end of it, and oh god what if Mr Stark stopped my internship because of it? No, that's simply not an option!

I knew Ned & MJ would be concerned, so I got my phone out of my pocket, not realizing how cracked it got during the drama that was caused, luckily I could still text them with it, but I would have to find a way to explain to May how this happened or i'd never hear the end of it. She worries about the smallest of things, so my creative side would have to come out in this scenario.  

When I got my phone out, it felt like I was being bombarded with texts, but in all reality, it was just the group chat. I didn't miss much, just a couple of cool memes, mainly baby yoda memes from the Mandalorian, because Ned. And a lot of moaning about this new mathematics teacher they had, I didn't seem to like him much either, he just gave off those "vibes" without even saying anything, his looks were enough to kill. 

MJ🎸: "Hey Pete, we hope you're ok! That was quite some fight you had with Flash"

Ned⭐: "Oh it certainly was, it was all pow, bang, crash, it was INSANE"

Peter chuckled just looking through all the messages, he was lucky to have two good friends that were so close to him, but he couldn't fault them at all, they all supported each other through everything, after all, high school was a b*tch! He quickly had to reply to them, to make sure there would be no cause for panic. He picked up his phone from the side, and quickly face timed them, after all, school had already finished and he was waiting for his lift to his internship, so there was no reason for him to get into trouble. 

P🦚: "Hey guys", Peter smiled, externally, all his wounds were healing, but internally, there was much damage which was yet to be repaired. 

"Oh hey Peter, good to know you're up and about" MJ smiled, before attempting to brush her hair once again after walking home in the thick rain. 

"Oh yeah! What are you going to tell Mr Stark? Do you think he will sniff it out?" Ned chuckled at his own joke, before anxiously waiting for a response.

Peter sighed, he really didn't know what he was going to do, not yet anyway, but he just couldn't trouble them, heck it was hard enough having his two best friends worry about him, they had enough on their plate as it was, with finals coming up quickly around the corner. "I'll think of a plan, but i'll see you guys tomorrow until then yeah?". 

They both nodded, hesitantly hanging up the call, there was only so much the two of them could do, but they didn't want to push him too much as that could only go the wrong way. Moments after, Peter put down his phone, and got ready to get his lift and headed off for his internship at Stark Towers. 


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