Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations

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It didn't take long before Peter's heart rate started to lower slowly but steadily, he didn't think anything would stop his anxiety from calming down, but yet somehow, this seemed different. Like someone was able to push the darkness away, even if was just for a couple of moments. "It's ok Pete, you've got us now" Bruce said with a somehow relaxing tone to his voice, he signaled Tony to distract Peter whilst Bruce continued to put the necessary wires in, since Peter was now awake, he didn't need all of them in, and Bruce didn't want to do more harm than good after all. Tony couldn't help but constantly give eye contact, how could he miss this? Just how?  Tony shook his head, before gaining all his focus back on the kid. Peter couldn't help but get frustrated, too many times he heard that phrase "It'll be ok" because how could it be?

"No. No! Everything won't be OK!" Peter shouted, not realizing how his frustration was becoming uncontrollable "May is gone, Flash has won once again.." there was a pause, shit Peter thought, that one was supposed to be kept internally, but he just couldn't control his feelings at this point, he was a mess, all his feelings were knotting up like spaghetti on a plate. 

It was at this point Tony found it too upsetting to witness Peter in this way, he was seen as such a highly charismatic, bubbly individual, that this side to him just didn't seem right at all, even if everyone was natural to exhibit feelings, after all, no one is a robot...well, sorta. Bruce had known Tony for years, and he realized the best thing to do was to let him go, there was no point fighting him too. Bruce sighed, he was quite used to trying to keep relaxed, and in this situation, it seemed he was the only one left to do so. 

He too was still in shock, but knew he had to take action "Hey, Pete...mind if we have a chat?" Bruce asked before sitting on the seat beside him, it was more of a direction than an offer, Peter, covered in his own tears, didn't really pay attention, but instead kept mumbling  

"If it wasn't for me, maybe this wouldn't have happened, maybe I wouldn't be such a bother, maybe if I actually had the balls to use my powers, maybe..." it was at this point, that although Peter thought he was by himself, Bruce was listening to every word, his heart sank for poor Peter. He was only a kid after all, but somehow Bruce felt like he could understand Peter, after all, it only felt like yesterday that Bruce felt the same way, but what did Peter mean by "powers?". This would take a lot more thinking, but for now, he just needed Peter to be in a comfortable state, so he administered some morphine before attempting to chat to Peter once more. 

"Hey, hey Peter, it's ok, it's just me, Bruce. You're ok, no one is here to hurt you, I know it probably seems like everyone is out to get you, but here, it's the complete opposite" he stated before holding Peter's arms, changing the dressings and bandages that were around his arms.  

"I understand things are hard, and I know things probably seem...well to put it lightly, crap, but we're the avengers" he chuckled before continuing a smile on his face as he noticed Peter drifting off, it seemed once he let his feelings out, the morphine started to kick in, it felt like a while since Bruce said that phrase, whilst it felt strange, it really was true "And you're our family"


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