Crash, Bang, Wallop.

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Minutes passed, but to Peter it felt like hours had. But Peter made it through the day, that was the main thing. He couldn't help but think about the messages the unknown number had sent him, especially as he didn't know what was going to happen next, and he'd just shown his vulnerable side to his friends once again, putting the burden on them, once again. All he wanted to do was to go home, so as the last bell rung, he gave Ned & MJ another smile, before heading out of the door, both of them by his side. Little did he realize what awaited him, what awaited the others as they walked home. 

The walk home was filled with the same views as usual, a couple of people out and about in the fields, some going for a jog, some walking their dogs, some just hanging out with their friends. For once, Peter felt happy that his friends were walking with him home, but something just didn't feel right. His "spider senses" as he called them were going haywire ever since the three of them left the school gates, but he just couldn't detect where it was coming from, yet he felt like he needed to keep alert. There was only one place Peter knew would be a little more dangerous, and it was the place he often ended up going on patrol, it was often the place where robberies occurred, that or fights.

As they got to that point, Peter's senses were so overloaded that he fell to the floor in pain, his ears ringing, his head thumping. MJ quickly ran to his side wondering what was happening, not realizing that Flash & his four other mates were just around the corner. She grasped him tight, not letting go as Ned couldn't help but look in shock, he had never seen his friend in this state before. Peter's breathing began to become heavier as he tried to control himself, but it just didn't seem to be working. Nothing seemed to be working. 

"Hey Penis Parker....We knew you'd turn up eventually, slacking off as per usual" Flash stated, crossing his arms, and almost looking too excited with that damned smirk on his face, that's when I saw it, from the corner of my eye, he took his first swing. All Peter could think about was why Flash decided to once again target him, after all he wasn't in school? Did Tony find out who did it last time? What caused it? 

But it was no time for thinking now, the first swing didn't hurt too much, but the second one then came, causing a sharp pain in Peter's stomach, before he then went for the face, blood pouring from his nose as he tried to gather himself. But before he could do anything, all he could see was MJ getting hit, she managed to stand her own fight, at least for now, but Ned? All I could see was him being clobbered by two larger guys, and it wasn't long before Ned fell to the ground 

"No!" Peter shouted, you could just hear the pain in his voice as he saw his best friend laying on the ground. Peter hadn't much healed himself, but he knew he just had to fight, he needed to make Flash learn. Rage filled in his blood, as he stood up, using all the strength he could, he pushed them away, of course not whilst sustaining some types of injuries throughout the fight, MJ too. One by one, through the help of MJ, the others sprinted away, avoiding any further injuries, guess Flash didn't realize how powerful the three of them were together, next time he time. Tears once again flowed down Peter's face, the last thing he saw was the look of relief on MJ as she attempted to catch her breath.

Little did all three of them know, that since the last incident, Tony had become much more protective, he had installed a tracker into Peter's bag to keep track of him throughout the day, just to make sure everything was running smoothly, and to ensure that if anything was to happen, he could call for help if needed. Tony was busy working in his office, but as time went by, he couldn't help but sense something was up. He was used to Peter's routine at this point, and for him not to be back by this time, just didn't seem natural at all. He then realized that he installed the tracker, so ran as quickly as he could to try and track where he was "Hey Friday, do you have a visual on Peter?" tony asked, with slight worry in his tone. 

"I do, though it seems like he is injured in some way, there seems to be two others there with him, but I can't get a visual as it's quite a dark environment" F.R.I.D.A.Y. stated. Tony's jaw dropped, not again he thought, and he knew exactly who did it. For once though, he thought he couldn't do this alone. So off he went to the main lounge area of the Tower where just Steve was sitting watching a vintage channel on the TV Tony had recently installed. He didn't even have to look twice to know something was up. Something Big. 

Steve never took his suit off, if he did, then that's when things were bound to get serious, so he quickly grabbed his shield before heading out with Tony. "What's the plan Tony? Do we have a visual?" Steve asked, catching up to Tony as quick as he could, he had never seen Tony so worried before, it must have been something serious. 

"Just keep following me, we will be there soon" Tony stated before checking the tracker once again to try and determine where the kid was. It wasn't long before he realised where the kid was, there, laying in the alley, was a small, frail kid, with his two friends, two unconcious, one barely standing, looking like she was ready to attack once again. As the two landed, MJ jumped right out of her shoes, not knowing what to expect, she put her two fists up ready to fight once again, a tear or two shedding in the process. 

"Relax kid, we're here for Pete" Tony stated, before grabbing what was a frail, timid Peter, once again left fending for himself, it seemed the perpetrators had already left, so that was a pro to this situation they guessed. Steve grabbed Ned ever so carefully and hoisted him around his shoulders, making sure to keep an eye on MJ to make sure she was ok, after all, it seemed like quite the fight happened here, why though, they would not know, however they both knew, it was time to get back to the campus, and heal all three of the kids, both of them still shocked at what they just saw, not knowing what was coming next...

(WORD COUNT 10,048)

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