Chapter 40

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Gerard's P.O.V

Over the next four week's, we practiced. Each time Brian was there. Each time Mysty was there. Each time Brian and Mysty were head down at a table in the corner in between songs. Laughing and messing around. To be honest, I'm fucking jealous. I knew they were friends, but this is ridiculous.

Mysty's P.O.V

I laughed as Brian did an impression of my Dad.
"Now, now, Brian." Brian mimicked. "I told you to have my daughter back for eight. It's now eight thirty."
I grinned and attempted to be Brian. "I'm sorry, Mr Parker." I mimicked a pathetic version of Brian. "I won't do it again."
Brian shook his head. "I'm sorry, Daddy." He tried to mimic me. Badly I might add. "We didn't notice the time."
I punched him in the arm and he yelped. "I never spoke like that." I giggled.
Brian rubbed his arm and rested his forehead on the table, pretending to cry. I leaned over and hugged him. He threw his arms around me, snickering.
"Love you, Marty." He whispered. His voice mimicking his voice from when he was six.
"Love you, Bri." I mimicked my six year old voice.
A loud bang behind me snapped us out of our reminiscing. We turned to see the microphone on the floor and a angry looking Gerard staring at us.
I frowned. "You okay, sweetheart?" I asked, standing up and walking towards him. He pulled away, violently when I touched his arm.
He turned angry eyes at me. "You fucking him?" He snapped.
My jaw dropped open. "What?"
"It's a simple question." He snapped. "Are you fucking Brian?"
My blood began to boil. "I'm not going to dignify that with a answer." I snapped. I turned to walk out when Mikey shouted me. I turned to look at him.
"Sorry, Mikey." I said to him. "I love you, but right now I can't stand being in the room with your fucking brother when he's accusing me of cheating on him." I glared back at Gerard. "You can sleep on the fucking couch." I snapped. Then I turned and stormed out.
I walked around for hours. It was really dark now. But I didn't care. I sat on a wall somewhere near the local Starbucks. Tears streaming down my face. I decided to call Billie. He cheers me up. As usual, he answered straight away.

Billie: "Hey, Marty."

I didn't answer, just sniffled.

Billie: "Marty? Are you okay?" He was extremely concerned.
Me: "No."
Billie: "What's wrong? Where are you? I'm coming to get you."
Me: "Gerard..." I cut off with a sob.
Billie: "What the fuck has he done? Have you called Oli?"
Me: "H...he accused of ch....cheating."
Billie: "WHAT? You? Cheating? Who the fuck would you even cheat with?" He was laughing, dryly.
Me: "Brian."
Billie: "Brian Schechter? Seriously?"

I didn't answer.

Billie: "Where are you?"

I looked around.

Me: "Outside the Starbucks near your place."
Billie: "I'll be there in five minutes."

We hung up. I stared at my phone screen as it started to ring. I could only just make out Mikey's name. I answered.

Mikey: "Mysty? Are you okay?"

I didn't answer as another round of tears started.

Mikey: "It's okay, honey. Thing's will be okay. I need to know your safe. Where are you?"

I sniffled again.

Me: "I...I'm safe."
Mikey: "But where are you?"
Me: "He's y...your brother. I c...can't tell"
Mikey: "I understand. But please promise me your safe."
Me: "I...I am"
Mikey: "Gerard is crying on the couch at yours. Will you be home tonight?"
Me: "I c...can't. I'm s...sorry."

I hung up and put my head in my hands just as Billie found me. He picked me up, bridal style and carried me to his apartment. He lay me in his bed to sleep and set up his couch for himself. He didn't harass me. He left me to go to sleep. It took me a while, but I eventually drifted off.

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