Chapter 10

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Mysty's P.O.V

I look over at the sleeping man beside me and smile. Leaning over, I kiss him on the lips, softly. Time to move. His arm is resting across my waist. So I lift it, slide out of bed then lower it onto the mattress. Heading into the bathroom, i grab some clean clothes. A quick shower and i brush my teeth then I get dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a red 'bazinga' t-shirt. I like The Big Bang's Sheldon Cooper. He's funny.
Heading back to the drawers in the bedroom, I eventually find my phone in my drawer.
Eighteen missed calls? What the hell? I check the call list. All from Billie Joe Armstrong. What could be so important? Actually, knowing Billie, it was probably just to wind me up. Sometimes he did that. Constantly call me when I don't answer. Then when I eventually do, he says 'Bazinga' and hangs up. Shouldn't have told him I like Sheldon. Sometimes that guy is a pain. But I wouldn't want him to change.
I look over to Gerard still sleeping in my bed and head downstairs to make coffee for him. My phone rings as I turn on the coffee maker. Billie. I smile and shake my head as I lean against the counter and answer.

Billie: "Finally."
I grin. No hello as usual.
Me: "What's up, Billie boy?"
Billie: "You never answered me last night."
Me: "I was preoccupied. What's so important?"
Billie: "It's Brendon. He's in hospital."

My heart beats faster. Oh god. Brendon Urie has been my friend since forever. We grew up together. Me, Brendon, Oli, Billie and Amy were never apart. I had a bit of a crush on Brendon when we were younger.

Me: "What...what happened?"
Billie: "He was jumped before work. He's in a coma."

I run my fingers through my hair. A coma? I have to go see him. Now.

Me: "I have to go see him. Oh god. If I ever find out who hurt him, I'll kill the bastards."
Billie: "I already know who it was."
Me: "Let me guess, Jared Leto, Shannon Leto, Kellin Quin and Pete Wentz?"
Billie: "Yep. They saw him last week and asked where you were. He ignored them. Jared told him what he intended doing to you. Brendon lost it and punched him. Instead of hitting him back, Jared warned him to watch his back."

I vaguely hear Gerard enter the kitchen.

Me: "That arsehole is not getting away with this. Where's Amy and Oli?"

Gerard's staring at me with concern.

Billie: "We're all with Brendon at the hospital. Amy won't leave him."

I shake my head. I know she's in love with Brendon. Whereas I'd just had a crush, she was always in love with him.

Me: "We all need to talk. I'll be there in about twenty minutes."
Billie: "See you then."

I hung up and looked at Gerard. "I have to go to the hospital." I say. My eyes beginning to glaze over with unshed tears.
He pulls me into his arms. I put my hands on his chest and rest my head on his shoulder.
"What's happened, sweetheart?" He asks as he rubbed my back.
"My friend is in a coma. He was attacked."
"Want me to drive you?" He asked, looking down at me.
I nod agreement. Then he leads me out to his car. I climb into the passenger seat and stare out of the window as Gerard gets in and starts the engine. Half way to the hospital I see something.
"Stop the car."
Gerard pulls up to the curb and slams on the breaks. I'm already out the car before the engine's turned off. I slam my fist in Jareds face. He straightens up as Gerard tries to pull me back.
"You put him in a fucking coma you prick." I snap at him, trying to get out of Gerards grip.
Jared laughs. "I did warn him."
"Your a fucking loser. I guarantee that one day you will get whats coming to you. Stay away from me and my friends or I swear it'll be you in a-fucking coma."
He laughs again. "Sure, babe. Who's gonna do that? You?"
"No. Me." Everyone turns to see who spoke up. It was Jeremy. "I don't take kindly to people harassing my friends and putting them in a coma."
Jared and his gang backed up. I pulled free of Gerard and smiled at Jeremy. "What are you gonna do?" I knew what he was going to say.
"I thought maybe we could rearrange Jareds face. Maybe scar his pretty face up a bit."
I watched as Jared backed up a little more.
"I think maybe we could scar them all up a bit." I joined in, staring at the group. "Maybe pound them so bad their mothers won't recognise them"
I was aware of Gerard watching us wide eyed, in shock.
"Sounds like a great plan." Jeremy said as he clenched his fists. Jared and his gang bolted.
I looked at Jeremy, he looked back at me. We couldn't hold it anymore. We just started laughing.

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