Chapter 12

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Mysty's P.O.V

I smiled down at Brendon. "So glad your awake." I said. He smiled back. "Tell you what, how about we each spend ten minutes with you then Amy can have the talk with you. Everyone agreed?" Everyone nodded, including Brendon and Amy. Then everyone except Gerard, left me with Brendon.
I sigh. "Why did you take on Jared alone?"
Brendon looked pissed off. "He said he was going to....rape you. Then let his friends have you. I lost it. Your my friend. I won't let that happen."
I laugh. "Brendon, I think I broke his nose. Then Jeremy turned up and we did our usual and they ran."
Brendon gave a dry laugh. "You guys scare the crap out of me when you do that."
I reach behind me and grab Gerard's hand, pulling him into view. "This is Gerard Way." I look at Gerard. "This is Brendon Urie. We've been friends since we were born."
They shook hands and muttered a hello. I looked back at Brendon. "Me and Gerard are kind of together now."
Brendon smiled up at Gerard. "I guess I don't need to warn you to look after our Marty. You already saved her."
Gerard smiled back as he wrapped his arms round my waist. "I promise I will always look after her."
I lean down and give Brendon a gentle hug. Then I kiss his forehead. "I'll send Oli in." I say as I straighten up. "I'll come see you tomorrow. Love you, Brenny." I gave him the name me and Amy used to call him when we were little. He laughed, then groaned.
"Love you too."
I walked out into the hall with my hand in Gerards. I smile at Oli. "You next. I'm going home. I'll be back tomorrow though."
Oli hugged me then went to see Brendon.
Billie stood up."Where's my hug?"
I smiled. "Do you deserve one?"
He pouted. "I've been a good boy today. I ate all my greens an everything."
"But did you wash your hands before you ate?"
"Yes. And I put the toilet seat down. AND I washed my hands after using the potty."
Gerard is watching us with amusement.
"Good boy." I say, then hug him. He jumps up and down like a happy two year old. I laugh at him then go over to Amy.
"Don't worry so much." I say as I hug her. "I think he loves you too."

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Two hours later.

We were sat on my couch, hugging and watching thirteen ghosts. Gerard has his arms around my waist. He leans down and kisses my neck. Lingering to nibble. He slides his hand under my t-shirt to rub against my bare skin. Then his other hand snakes under my t-shirt to cup my breast. He cups both of them and runs his thumbs over both nipples. I moaned and arched my back. I turn round and straddle him. He's hard. I smile at him.
"Are you trying to get out of watching the film?" I asked holding his arms down.
He smiles. "No. Your just so tempting."
I push myself off of him and stand up. "Too bad. I'm hungry. So you can wait." I laugh as he chases me into the kitchen.

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