Chapter 41

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Gerard's P.O.V

I looked at Mikey as he sighed.
"She's not coming back tonight." He said.
I looked down at my hands. "She hates me." I stated.
"No." Mikey said, softly. "She's just upset. After all, you did accuse her of fucking her best childhood friend."
I ran my fingers through my hair then grabbed my mobile. I dialed Oli.

Oli: "Hey, Gerard. What's up?"

Obviously she's not there or he'd be tearing me a new hole by now.

Me: "I'm looking for Mysty. I've done something stupid and she's not come home."
Oli: "Fuck. What did you do?"
Me: "Accuse her of fucking someone else."
Oli: "Seriously, dude. Who?"
Me: "Brian Schecter."

Oli started to laugh uncontrollably.

Me: "What's so funny?"

It took a few minutes. But he finally calmed down to answer me.

Oli: "Brian has always been Marty's best friend. They grew up together. He'd take her on date's to stop anyone she wasn't interested in from bugging her. He's the typical GAY best friend. He'd be more interested in you that way than her."

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

Me: "Great. Now I feel even worse. Cheers."
Oli: "Your welcome. She'll be at Billie's. She knows that if she'd have called me, I'd have punched first and ask questions later. So she still loves you. Billie will have put her to bed and slept on the couch. In the morning he'll make jokes to cheer her up. That's why she'd have called him. Go round there. The longer you leave it, the more time she has to realise that your a waste of space. After all you did believe she'd cheated on you. I'm not saying that I agree with her. But I know what she thinks like. You two are good together. Don't let her go. You'll regret it."
Me: "Thanks, man. Means a lot coming from you. I owe you one."
Oli: "Look after Marty and we're even."
Me: "Oh believe me, I will. I owe her big time."
Oli: "Good luck, man. If you need me, you got my number."
Me: "Thanks. Bye."
Oli: "Bye."

I hung up, then walked out the house. Mikey followed, looking confused.

Mysty's P.O.V

I woke to shouting in the lounge. I buried my head and closed my eye's as I heard Gerard's voice.
"Your not going anywhere near her." Billie snapped.
"She's my wife." Gerard argued.
"I don't give a fuck." Billie again. "I've never seen her so upset. I had to carry her in here because of the state YOU put her in."
"Look, guys." Mikey added. "Mysty doesn't need or deserve all this. Gerard was stupid for accusing her of cheating. But when he realised it, it was too late. Mysty had gone."

Gerard's P.O.V

I sighed. "I just want to see my wife." I said, quietly. "I know I fucked up." I leaned against the door frame and put my head down. "I was jealous. I know I had no reason to be. I just...I just love her so much. Losing that...beautiful, amazing woman....well it'd kill me. If I can't be with her, you may as well shoot me now."
"I don't think that will be necessary."
I looked up to see Mysty walking towards me. I stood up straight. "I'm so sorry, baby." I said. "I'm a fucking idiot."
She stopped infront of me. "Yes you are." She agreed. "But your MY idiot." She cupped my cheek and looked in my eyes. "If you want us to work, you can't do that again."
"I won't, I promise." I said, quickly.
"I hope not. Because I don't want to bring up this baby in a war zone."
I put my hand over the one she still had cupping my cheek. "I know, baby. I feel the same...Wait..." My eyes widened. "You said this baby not our baby? Are you..?"
She smiled. "Pregnant? Yes."
I smiled with happiness. "I'm gonna be a dad?" I picked her up by the waist and spun us round. "I'm gonna be a dad." I put her down and sealed our lips together. I'm so fucking happy.

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