Chapter 13

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Gerard's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Two months later.

Thing's were going great between Mysty and me. We spent most day's together. When she wasn't working. And all night together. Sometimes at her place, sometimes at mine. Tonight I get to play host at a party where Mikey and the rest of the band meet Mysty's friends. Mikey, Ray, Bob and Frank were already here. Mysty was at the doctor's. A check up. Her friends were due anytime now.
"So what are Mysty's friends like."Frank asked.
I smile. "In one word, nuts."
Everyone laughed. "Why?" Mikey asked.
"Brendon got himself put in hospital taking on four guys. Oli is very protective. Amy loves Brendon so must be nuts and Billie acts like a two year old. They're all brilliant though. Oh and then there's Jeremy. He's her boss. But he would do anything for her."
"So how are they all nuts then?" Bob asked.
"Wait till you see them all with Mysty. You'll get it then."
The doorbell rang so I went to answer it.

Mysty's P.O.V

I walked out of the surgery. I hate check up's. But now I get to party with my awesome boyfriend and our cool friends. Life couldn't be any better.
"Hey, Marty."
Shit. I spoke too soon. I turned to see Jared, Shannon and Kellin. Why now?
"What the fuck do you want?" I snapped.
"No fucking back up this time." Jared sneered.
Oh fuck. I don't like the sound of that. "And?"
He walked towards me as Shannon and Kellin grabbed my arms."Your mine now."

Pete's P.O.V

I look down at my phone as I get a text. Jared. Great.

Get your ass to the old janitors hut. Got a little surprise. J.

I frown. That's never good. I hope he isn't beating on some poor lad again. I hated not being able to stop them. But if I don't go, they'll find me and beat me up instead. So I text back and head for the hut. What a fun fucking life. I should never have made friends with Kellin. Fucking pricks.

I arrive outside the hut and freeze. I can hear a woman screaming inside. Oh god no.
No. That's Marty. The bastards have Marty. I look around. I have to stop this. I can't let them hurt her. I spot a thick branch laying on the ground to my left. I pick it up and run for the hut door. I take a big breath and push open the door.

Billie's P.O.V

Marty's boyfriend is great. His friends are cool too. Oli was getting on well with Bob. Amy and Brendon were having a conversation with the others. But there was no sign of Marty. I was getting really worried. Jeremy walked over to me.
"What's wrong?" He asked, looking worried. "Your normally winding everyone up."
Everyone looked over at me.
"Yeah." Oli added. "Your never this quiet."
"That's a point." Amy injected. "I've never known you to be down. And I've known you our entire lives."
I frown and look at Gerard. "Have you noticed the time?"
He frowned and looked at the clock, then back at me. "It's 7:30. Why?"
"We were supposed to be here at seven, right?"
"We've been here half an hour."
Brendon gasped. "Oh god. I get it."
Gerard looked from me to Brendon, then back again. "Mind letting the rest of us in on it then?"
"We've known Marty our entire lives." I said.
"Fuck." Jeremy looked really worried now. Amy and Oli got it too.
"The only time she's ever been late for anything is when her family died."
Gerard looked really worried too now. "You don't think somethings happened to her do you?"
"Try to phone her."

Gerard's P.O.V

I grab my phone and scroll down to Mysty's name. Then I press call and put the phone to my ear. A male answers instead.

Male: "Gerard? You gotta help us."

I put the phone on loud speaker and everyone gathered round.

Me: "Who's this?"
Male: "Pete Wentz..."
Jeremy: "I thought I warned you..."
Pete: "Marty's in trouble. I tried to stop them. But they've already hurt her."

I hear a weak voice in the background. "Quiet, Marty. They might hear us."
"It hurts. Want Gee. (Moan)"
My heart skips a beat.

Me: "Where are you?"
Pete: "Old janitors hut....wait....quiet a sec"
There's a pause. "Fuck, Marty. They can see us. We gotta move you."
"There you are."
The phone goes dead.

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