Chapter 42

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Gerard's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Two hours later. Home. In bed. 10:32pm.

I smiled down at Mysty as she slept. To think I nearly lost her was a horrible thought. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. I stayed there, propped up on my elbow, staring down at her for quite awhile.
"Do you know how creepy that is?" She asked, not opening her eyes.
I grinned. "I thought you were asleep." "Oh." She sighed, grinning. "Do you have a habit of staring at people in their sleep? They have a word for that. I believe it's pervert."
I laughed."Cheers, baby." I leaned down and kissed her on the lips.
"Better." She said as I pulled back.
I grinned as she opened her eyes to look up at me."I only watch you when you sleep anyway." I stated.
She frowned."So that's why I've been having nightmares."
"Hey." I said tickling her sides.
She laughed."I'm not ticklish, remember?" She stated, then started tickling me. "But you are."
I laughed uncontrollably. "No.......fair." I managed between laughs.
She stopped tickling me and pushed me onto my back, then straddled me. She held my hands above my head. I smiled up at her. She smiled back down at me. We stayed like that for a while. Just smiling at each other.
Then Mysty's phone rang. She sighed, kissed me briefly then moved off me to answer it.
"Hello?" She said as I knelt behind her so I could kiss her neck. She arched her neck so I had better access.
"Yes, I'm Martina Parker." She paused. "Yes. Devon and Katrina Parker were my parents."
I sat up straight to watch her. She was frowning.
"Err...yeah. Two tomorrow is fine." Pause. "Sure...yeah. See you then."
She hung up.
"Baby?" I said, softly, as I put my arm around her waist.
She sighed. "Mum and Dad left a will."
I frowned. "That took a while to sort."
"They only just found it." She explained, resting her head on my shoulder. "I've got to go in tomorrow at two."

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Next day at 2:00pm Lawyers office.

I hugged Mysty as we sat in the waiting room. The lawyer she was meeting was a Mr B Hepton. Neither of us had heard of him before. Mysty was getting really nervous when a tall grey haired man walked out and called her name. He frowned as I kept hold of her hand.
"This is my husband." Mysty explained. "My name's Martina Way now. This is Gerard."
The frown went and the lawyer smiled. "Nice to meet you." He said shaking my hand, then Mysty's. "My name is Bryan Hepton. But you can call me Bryan."
He led us into a typical lawyers office. A big oak desk in the centre with filing cabinets and book shelves full of law books. It was a plain but neat office. He gestured for us to sit down.
"Well Miss Par....Mrs Way." He corrected himself. "Your parents left a will some time ago with my partner, Mr Hopkins. But unfortunately Kevin died just before the unfortunate passing of your parents. We've been working through his cases ever since. Hence why we've only just found the will." He looks down at a file. "I took the liberty of reading it over. Various things were left to siblings. But..." He looked up at Mysty. "Under the tragic circumstances, everything will go to you."
"What exactly does the will say?" Mysty asked, shakily. I squeeze her hand.
"Well..." Bryan looks back at the file. " It says: 'I, Devon Parker, presently of Belleville, New Jersey, declare that this is my last will and testament.' It then lists Katrina Parker as his wife and yourself, Brittany, Jennifer and Daniel as his children. He appoints Kevin as his executor of this will. 'I leave Martina Parker of Belleville, New Jersey, if they shall survive me, for their own use absolutely, the following: Wedding rings and jewellery.' He goes on to leave everything he has to his children. 'I appoint Martina Parker of Belleville, New Jersey to be sole guardian of all my minor and dependant children until they are at least 18 years of age.' I have a list of what you were left. You will receive two restaurants in Belleville, New Jersey called Martina and Park. Five hotels called Jennifer, Brittany, Daniel, Devon and Katrina. A clothing store called Fashionista. A holiday home in Hawaii. Another in the Bahamas. A large mansion right here in Belleville. Eighty million dollars in savings and eighteen vintage cars in a warehouse next to the mansion, also now owned by you."
My jaw dropped open. Mysty was quiet. I looked over at her. She had tears running down her face. I put a hand on her shoulder and rubbed her other hand with my thumb.
"Your parents also left letters for each of their children." Bryan said as he passed Mysty the large file, a large jewellery box, a ring box and four envelopes with names on them.
Mysty took them without a word. She just opened the ring box to see three rings. A man's plain gold wedding band, a woman's gold wedding band with white diamonds spaced out around it. Next to them was a amazing engagement ring. It was a expensive looking silver colour with blue diamonds.
"All the deeds, keys, bank cards and everything else is in that lot." Bryan said. "I'm so sorry for your loss Miss...Mrs Way."
Mysty was quiet on the drive home. She just stared at the rings with tears in her eyes. When we got home, she sat on the couch and opened the letter with her name on the front. The tears were running down her face as she looked up at me.
"I need our friends here." She said. "This letter involves all of us."
I smiled as I got to calling everyone.
Everyone arrived within twenty minutes. Brendan, Billie, Oli, Amy and Jeremy hugged Mysty. Then Mikey, Frank, Ray and Bob lined up for one too. Afterwards, everyone sat down waiting for Mysty's news.
"I went to the lawyers today." Mysty started. "They found my parents will."
Oli frowned."Took them long enough."
"The lawyer died just before...My family." Mysty explained as I sat beside her. I held her hand.
"They left me everything." She listed everything. Everyone was staring, wide eyed.
Oli was the first to speak up. "Fuck." He sighed. " They never mentioned anything about that lot to you?"
Mysty shook her head. "We used to joke about the names infront of them." She said. " But they never told us they owned them. But they explained everything in the letter they left me." She shook the letter at them. "They came into money a long time ago. Stocks and shares paid off. They bought the restaurants after I was born. We lived in the mansion until I was two. They moved out so I could live as a normal child. They never said anything because they wanted us all to grow up like other kids. They didn't want the money to make us into snobs. I know that it's a strange way to do it. They didn't want to tell us until they had to. On their deathbed. They kept everything they bought and hired people to take care of them. The mansion and cars have a caretaker. A man called Jordan Gates looks after the businesses. The lawyer was the go between. Everything has been left to me." She bit her bottom lip and looked at me. "To us." She looked back at the others. "They had some instructions for me. They wanted me to give some gifts to each of you." She looked at Amy. " They want you to have a pick of the cars."Amy's eyes widened. "Oh my God."
She looked at Billie. " You get to pick two guitars from the large music room."
Billie looked shocked. ""Fuck."
She looked at Jeremy. " You get to pick a car after Amy does."
"Woah." Jeremy muttered.
She turned to Oli and grinned. " They left me to you, apparently."
Oli laughed. "Don't think your husband would be too happy." He said.
Mysty looked at me with a smile, then turned back to Oli. " But failing that, they want you to take 'Park', the restaurant."
Oli's mouth dropped open. He was at a loss for words.
Mysty looked at the others. "They said that if I'd made other friends, they will be given a choice." She told them. "A car worth a maximum of one million dollars or one million dollars each."
The guys were finally at a loss for words. They looked like a bunch of goldfish. Or school of fish. Whatever.
Mysty turned to me. " They also said that they wanted me to get married at the mansion. They took a picture of their wedding day. They got married in the garden, by the pool there. I know we already got married, but I think we should have another ceremony there, for them."
I smiled as I leaned forward to kiss her. I pulled away and looked into her eyes as I spoke to everyone else in the room. "We're getting married again, guys." I said. "And your all invited."


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