Chapter 25

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Mysty's P.O.V

​Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

​Two weeks later.

​I moved off the bed carefully. I didn't want to wake Gerard. He'd been really busy the past two weeks sorting the wedding. This was the most sleep he'd got. So I'm going to surprise him. Okay. Yeah again. No I'm not going to ask him to marry me. Already done that. I'm not going to tell you what I'm doing either. You can wait. I get dressed and head downstairs.

​Gerard's P.O.V

​I wake to the smell of coffee and strawberry pancakes. Turning my head, I see a tray on my bedside table. I sit up to see a note on the tray with my name on it. I pick it up and read it.

Morning, Mr Way,

​I wanted to do something to show you how much I love you.
You've been working hard with the wedding arrangements, 
I thought you deserved a treat. So I made you pancakes and
your second love (barely behind me), coffee. So enjoy it. Then
find me. Today is going to be all about you. I have a few surprises
planned out for you. So hurry and eat up before I get cold.

​All my love,

​(The future) Mrs​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​I smiled as I put the note on the table and picked up the tray, resting it on my leg's. I ate and drank as fast as I could,  without choking myself. Then I got out of bed and slipped into my baby blue fluffy dressing gown,  tying it at the waist. Then I headed downstairs. I checked the lounge first. Nothing. So I checked the kitchen. Empty. I headed back out into the hallway. I stopped and smiled as I noticed rose petals on the floor. I followed the trail upstairs and back into our room. But they went into the bathroom. As I entered, I noticed a lot of candles in two lines bordering a rose petal path that led to the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen.
Mysty was in the bath tub with her arms crossed on the tub side. Her long black hair surrounding her beautiful face as she reasted her chin on her arms. She smiled at me.
"You know you could stop staring and start sharing." She said.
I dropped my gown and walked slowly towards her.
"That rhymes." I muttered as I leaned down to kiss her.
She moved to make room for me to sit between her legs in the bath. I climbed in and leaned back against her chest. Using her breasts as cushions. I could get used to this.
"Just relax, baby." She whispered as she rubbed a sponge over my chest and leaned down to nibble my ear. I closed my eyes, moving up to rest my head on her shoulder instead.
"I could get used to this." I mumble as she kisses my neck. Her hands continued to guide the sponge around my chest, getting lower. I could feel myself getting hard. I grab her spare hand and guide it lower to rest on my length. 
"Inpatient aren't you." She giggled into my neck.
Her hand moved to hold my now very hard dick. She began to stoke it slowly. 
I moaned in pleasure as she began to suck on my neck. Fuck she's hot. "Fuck. Mysty."​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ I moan louder as her hand starts to pick up pace.
I reach a arm up to position her head and I turn around slightly, smashing my lips onto hers. Her hand still moving as I thrust my hips up to meet her movement. I'm so close.
We both jump up fast as we hear the noise coming from downstairs. We get out of the tub and drag our robes on. We head out to the top of the stairs. I grab the only thing I can find to help defend us. I grab a lamp. We freeze at the top step as we see the front door wide open and a figure stood just in the door way.​​​​

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