Chapter 32

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Mysty's P.O.V

The next two day's were spent in bed. Every time I'd tried to leave, Gerard had dragged me back in. He only let me out for toilet and bathroom breaks. He even made the food. He kept saying, "The first two day's of a honeymoon should be spent in bed. Otherwise it's just another holiday." I've never heard that. I thought you were supposed to relax together on a honeymoon. Not having a workout marathon. Not that I'm complaining. He's a fucking great workout partner. But enough of that.
I looked out at the sea as I sat on the balcony. I love this view. The kids on the beach, the waves, the boats, everything about the view was amazing. I watched a little blond girl bury her dark haired dad in the sand. She was giggling. Her dark haired older brother joined in. Mum watched, laughing as her husband shouted at them. In fun because he was smiling. 
"Good morning,  baby." Gerard interrupted my thoughts by leaning down behind me, hands on my shoulders and kissed my neck. "Do you want to go out today?"
I grinned and laced my fingers with his on my shoulders. "Am I allowed?"
He hummed against my neck. "If you promise more exercise tonight."
I giggled. "Two whole day's and three nights and your still horny?" I mused. "Where do you get the energy?"
"Dunno." He walks around me and sits in the other chair, dragging me with him to sit on his lap. "But your so damn sexy." He said as his lips connected to my neck again. He ran his hand up my leg, under my white dress. "You turn me on all the time." He traced a line around my leg to trail up in between my thighs. "I'm already getting horny just having you near me." His hand tugged my underwear to the side and he began to rub me.
"I can tell." I muttered, throwing my head back in pleasure.
"We could always go out in an hour." He said as he inserted a finger into me. "After...." He trailed off as he sucked my neck. Fuck. He's got me again.

​Three hours later, we finally leave the apartment and head, hand in hand, to a restaurant nearby. Gerard was wearing his usual black skinny jeans, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​plain white t-shirt and black converse. He insisted I wear my long white, free flow dress, no tights and white slip on sandals.  I can guess why the dress. But I didn't go commando like he told me to. He's turned into a really horny slave driver since we got married. Probably because we've finally got time alone.
We arrive at the restaurant and take our places. Gerard insisted on a private booth. Surprise surprise. He sat across from me and waited for the waitress to take our order and leave.
"This is a really nice place." I said looking around the small restaurant. The decor was in red and white. It was pretty crowded. I'm surprised that we got a table at such short notice.
"It pales in comparison to you." 
I turned to see him staring at me again. I smiled. "Wow." I said. "Very cheesy."
He laughed. "I wasn't being cheesy." He argued. "I was being honest."
I shook my head just as a woman with long red hair approached our table. Eye's firmly on Gerard.
"Excuse me." She said sweetly to him.
He looked up at her with a small smile. "Can I help you?" He asked.
The woman blanked me as she sat beside him. He moved back away from her, frowning. She passed him a piece of paper. "Call me, sexy." She muttered, trying to get closer. "I can definitely show you a good time."
I started to see red. "You need to back away right now." I warned her.
She gave me a fleeting look then turned back to Gerard. "Your friend doesn't seem to like me coming on to you, does she?"
Gerard backed up further as she got closer.
I stood up and pulled her out by her arm, holding her tightly against the partition. "I strongly suggest you back away from my husband." I warned her.
She grinned back at me. "I think that's down to handsome here." She said looking back at Gerard.
"Do you have a death wish?" I asked. This bitch doesn't take a hint does she.
"I think he would definitely prefer someone as beautiful as me over a plain Jane like you." She said not taking her eye's off Gerard.
"Actually I'd prefer you fucked off so I could have time with my beautiful wife." Gerard snapped.
She scowled at him. Then smiled again. "I get it." She said, sweetly. "You feel sorry for her."
Okay. Now I'm pissed. I drag her by her arm and lead her outside. I push her away from me and stare at her.
"If I ever see you near my husband again,  I'll rip your pretty little head off and feed it to the seagulls." I told her as Gerard slid his arms around my waist from behind. "Am I making myself clear enough?"
She frowned at me. "I think it's up to him not you."
I laughed. This is un-fucking-believable. "Listen you psychotic bitch." I snapped. "He's married. To me. He couldn't have been more obvious that he's not interested. He's not interested and not available. So leave now before I totally lose it."
She smiled at Gerard. "Call me later, honey." She said seductively. 
That's fucking it. I pulled out of Gerard's arm's and punched her. She fell to the ground,  holding her nose. Blood everywhere. Gerard grabbed me around the waist again. This time to stop me hitting her again.
"Come on, baby." He said into my ear. "She's not worth it."
I heard clapping as Gerard led me back to the apartment. When I looked around, the woman was screaming at the crowd that had gathered to stop clapping.
"Well that was a fun meal." Gerard laughed as he pulled me into the apartment. "I guess I'll cook us something instead.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"

Gerard's P.O.V

I looked down at my beautiful wife as she slept on the couch beside me. Her head in my lap. I lifted her right hand to see a few cuts on her knuckles. What was that woman's problem. I mean, who does that? But she met more than her match with Mysty. The look in her eyes wasn't jealousy. It was pure anger. I was scared more than the woman was. I didn't realise Mysty could be like that. I mean she handled it pretty well. To begin with anyway. Remind me to never get her bad side.​​​​​​​​

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