Chapter 44

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Mysty's P.O.V

I left everyone in the music room while I went back to the playroom. I remember some of the toys there. I picked up a teddy bear. It was a little more worn than the other ones. It had a eye missing. A stitched cross sewn in its place. It only had one ear. It's fur was grey and short. It was a jointed bear.
"I kept him safe for you." Shannon said as she entered the room.
We sat, cross legged, on the floor by the large fireplace.
"I remember him." I said, staring down at him. "I called him Chip after the teacup in Beauty and the Beast."
"You did, honey." Shannon laughed.
"I used to play in here." I hugged the teddy and looked at the fireplace. "Mum and Dad would play in here with me too."
"That's right, dear. They dropped everything for you."
"I know." Tears formed in my eyes as I raised my knees to my chest. "I miss them so much. They always had time for me."
Shannon smiled. "You were everything to them."
I hugged Chip, tighter. "I know." I sighed. "They gave up everything to give me a normal life." I frowned.
"I've started seeing it. The day they died. I haven't told Gerard. But I keep dreaming about it. Mum.....on the chair. Her head....rolling...." I started crying and Shannon pulled me into her arms.
"Oh, sweetheart." She cooed. "It's okay, dear."

Gerard's P.O.V

I froze outside of the playroom door as I heard Shannon talking.
"You should tell Gerard, dear." She said.
"I can't." Mysty sobbed. "He has so much to think about right now. He has the band to think of. He doesn't need my bullshit to deal with too. How can I do that to him?"
"Your my wife."
Mysty and Shannon turned to look at me with shock. I walked towards Mysty and knelt down infront of her. " my bullshit too." I said as I grabbed a hand and wiped her tears away with my other hand. "Whatever it is, I can help. I promised myself to you. Through the good times and the bad. Tell me what's wrong, baby, please."
Mysty looked down at our joined hands. "I've.....been having....n...nightmares." She looked at the tatty teddy she had in her other hand. "I...I keep seeing....." She broke off with a sob.
"It's okay, honey." I assured her as I pulled her into my arms. "I'm here. I won't leave you. I promise."
"She keeps seeing.....that day." Shannon told me.
Fuck. She's reliving her family's deaths every time she closes her eyes. Damn it.
"Oh, sugar." I cooed as Shannon left the room, closing the door, quietly, behind her. "We'll go see a doctor. Get you something to help you sleep without the nightmares."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Mysty said after she finally calmed down.
"It's okay, baby." I assured her. "How long have you been having them?"
"They started the day Jared had the knife to my throat." She admitted. "Only in the nightmares, Frank, Mikey and you are there. Jared is the one who k...kills my Then he k...kills F...Frank, M...Mikey and.....and"
I rubbed her back as I kissed her on her head. "It's okay, baby. We'll get some help."
"Is Mysty okay?" Frank said from the doorway.
I turned to see everyone there with concern on their faces.
"She's been having nightmares about the night her family....." I sighed. "Only Jared is doing the killing. But he kills us too. Me, Mikey and Frank."
Frank and Mikey rushed forward, dropping to their knees by us.
"We're not going anywhere, honey." Frank said as he grabbed one of Mysty's hands.
Mikey grabbed the other. "Frank's right." He said, flashing Mysty a sad smile. "Jared is in a top security prison now. Even if he could escape, his injury isn't healed properly yet. So it'll be a while. The police will be watching him like a hawk now. So it's all good."
Mysty pulled them both into our hug. "I'm so glad your all safe." She said, quietly. "I love you guys so much."


Finally. A update. Woo.
Love as always. xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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