Chapter 14

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Mysty's P.O.V

Jared drags me back to the hut. While Shannon and Kellin drag Pete.
"Let her fucking go, Jared." Pete snaps as Shannon and Kellin hold him down in the corner.
Jared smiles as he lets me go. I drop to the ground. He kicks me in the stomach. I groan out and grab my stomach, curling into a fetal position. He kicks me again and again.
"GET THE FUCK OFF HER" Pete shouts.
Jared grabs my arms and drags me up. He pushes me towards where the others are. Dropping me at Pete's feet.
He smirks down at me as he reaches for his belt.
I look up at Pete. He's shaking. Anger on his face.
"I swear if you fucking rape her, I'll kill you." He says through gritted teeth. Jared punches him in the stomach.
I look back at Jared. I couldn't move properly. He'd already slashed my legs a few times with a knife. He'd punched me in the face before Pete had turned up earlier. I could already feel my right eye closing up and blood running down my face.
"Please." I plead to Jared. "No more. Let us go."
He laughs as he crouches infront of me. His trousers unfastened. "Not a chance. Pete betrayed us. So he's going to die. As for you. I believe I told Brendon what I intend doing to you." He reached out to me and he was dragged back by Oli and Jeremy? They threw him across the hut. Bob grabbed him and held him down. Brendon and Frank grabbed Shannon as Gerard crouched down infront of me. He pulled me into a hug, standing me up.
"Move one more step and Pete dies." Kellin snaps.
I pull away from Gerard and without thinking, I lunge for Kellin. I grab the hand with the knife and drag it away from Pete's throat, pushing Pete away then punching Kellin in the face. All in one swift move. His head hits the back of the shed and he falls to the floor, dropping the knife.
My heart is beating fast as I look down at his unconscious form. I drop to my knees. Gerard pulls me back into his arms.
"Remind me never to get on your bad side." He says. Everyone laughs.

Gerard's P.O.V

We all stood outside the hut, waiting for the police. Jeremy and Oli were stood guarding Jared.
Bob and Brendon were guarding Shannon. Billie and Ray guarding Kellin. Mysty walked towards Jared, slowly. Still holding her stomach. "Hey, Jeremy?"
"Yep?" Jeremy asked.
"Do you think Sam James will be in the same prison these guys are going to?" She asked, grinning at Jared.
"Who's that?" Jared asked.
Jeremy looked at him with a big smile. "Just an old school mate of Marty's."
"Hmm. I wouldn't say mate." Mysty protested. "More like stalker."
Billie laughed. "Didn't he put a guy in traction for looking at you?"
"Oh yeah. I remember that guy." Brendon said with a grin. "He even threatened us lot for hanging out with her."
Oli laughed. "Yeah that guy actually scared me too." He added. "He was one tough asshole. Bloody loved Marty though."
"You know he's in prison for attacking a guy with a baseball bat after he tried to attack me?"
Jareds eyes widened. Looks like their little games working. They were scaring Jared and his friends.
Jeremy looked shocked. "He nearly beat him to death."
"Yep." Mysty said.
Ray, Bob, Frank and Mikey looked at me in shock. I shrugged. What is there to say?
The police turned up and everyone backed up to allow them to put Jared, Shannon and Kellin in cuffs. One of the officers that was holding Jared stopped by Mysty and looked at her.
"You okay, Martina?" He asked.
Mysty smiled as she grabbed my hand. "I'm fine now thanks, Si." She sighed. "But could I ask you something?"
Si? Smiled. "Sure."
"Is Sam James going to be in the same prison as these guys?"
He nodded. "Should be. He still asks after you."
"Oh fuck." Jared whispers as Si leads him off.
Mysty turns to see Ray, Frank, Mikey, Bob and me staring at her, mouths open. Sam's real?
"What?" She asks innocently.

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