Chapter 4

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Mysty's P.O.V

I wake up and look over at Gerard. I don't know why but I trust him. I feel safe around him. I shouldn't after...Oh god. I pull my knees up to my chest and hug them as the memories come flooding back. I have no one. Why did this have to happen? I remember everything. But I can't go to the police. They won't believe me. If I stay's only a matter of time before Gerard finds out. I have to keep quiet. No...I have to go. But where? I can't go to prison. I can't....

Gerard stirs. I feel him move but I just stare at the door.

"Hey, Mysty." He says as he sits up. "You okay?"

I nod a yes, still staring at the door.

"Do you want something to eat?"

I shake my head.

He sighs. "You have to eat."

I shake my head again. I can't eat. I have to think. What do I do?

"Come on, Mysty." He pleads. "Please talk to me."

I just stare at the door. I don't trust myself to talk. He can't know who I am. Then it hits me. The TV. News. Shit. He's going to find out. Maybe I should talk to him. I could get my side of the story out.

Gerard's P.O.V

I watch her as various emotions pass over her face. Scared. Realisation. Panic.

"Do you have any family?" My eyes widen. She spoke.

"Err..yes." I manage to say. "My mum, Donna. Dad, Donald and a brother, Mikey." I stop myself from asking any questions. I don't want her to stop talking again.

"I have Mum, Dad, a brother and two sisters." She swallows and closes her eyes. But not before I see the pain. What happened? I ask myself again.

She looks back at me. "You have to know I didn't do it." She looks scared again. "But if they find me, they'll lock me away."

I frown. "Who? What didn't you do?"

She starts to shake as tears run down her cheeks. "The p..police."

I look at her wide eyed. "What?"

"T...they think I...I k...killed" Suddenly she rushes into a explanation I can't quite follow.

"But it wasn't me. It was them and they locked me up. Hurt me. Was going to rape me. But I got away. But they tried to stop me. Grabbed a bottle. Broke it. So much blood...."

"Whoa. Slow down." I managed. She froze and stared at me. "Start again. Slowly this time and try to make more sense."

She took in a breath. "There was a noise that woke me." She started looking back at the door. I scooted to the end of the bed to sit cross legged, facing her. "It came from downstairs. Then I heard m...mum scream. I rushed to the hallway. As soon as my door opened I heard another scream from Britney, my little ten year old sister. She was in her bedroom, the opposite direction to the stairs. Then Jenny, four year old s...sister screamed. I ran that way. But as I was passing my baby brothers room, I froze." A fresh batch of tears ran down her cheeks. She battered them away. "He was only two. Danny w...was on the f...floor." She sobbed. I grabbed her hand. It looked like she didn't even notice. "H...he was d...dead." I pulled her into my arms and she cried on my shoulder.

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