Chapter 22

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Gerard's P.O.V

One month later.

Mysty was out with Oli a lot lately. I was pretty sure nothing was going on between them. Or at least I didn't think so. No, Mysty wouldn't do that to me. Would she? I looked up at the clock for the eighth time tonight. 7:00pm. She was due back at six. She's a hour late. I was getting really worried. I was just about to call her when the doorbell rang, followed by a knock. I walked over to open the door. Oli was stood there with a very large smile.
"Hey, Gerard." He said. "Get ur coat. We are going out."
I frowned. "I'm waiting for Mysty." I said.
"We're going to Marty." He said with a sigh. "I've had my orders. I'm to take you to her straight away. We have exactly..." He checked the time on his phone. "...Half an hour. If we're late, she's going to castrate me and make you sleep on the couch for a month." He frowned. "I get the worst end of the deal. That's not fair."
I grabbed my black leather jacket and followed Oli to his car with a laugh. "I think it's me that would get the worst end of the deal."
Oli huffed as we got in the car. "At least you get to keep your testicles."
I laughed. "Good point." I said. "You win."

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Half an hour later.

Oli stopped the car outside a theatre. He got out and led me inside. He looked out of place. But everyone let him pass. He sat us by the stage. But Mysty wasn't anywhere to be seen. I looked around and noticed our friends sat around us. Frank sat next to me, grinning.
"Where's Mysty?" I asked Oli as the light's went down. He smiled then looked up at the stage. I looked up to see a group of people in silhouette. A blond guy stood on centre stage with a mic.
"Welcome to the production of 'Street Style'." He started. "This production was written and directed by Marcus Grant. Choreography by Martina Parker."
My eye's widened. Mysty is the choreographer?
"Shelly, played by Martina, is a talented street dancer who's abused, physically at home."
Mysty act's too?
"To escape her father's abuse, Shelly form's a street dance troup. She's been dancing since she was four. Just like our very own Martina. This production has a little romance and a lot of dance. So without further ado, I give you 'Street Style'." He moved off stage as the stage lights lit up, revealing Mysty at the centre.
She moved with the rest of the troup. She did all kinds of moves. Then she jumped over a girl, flipping to land on her hands then rolling and jumping back onto her feet. My jaw dropped open. I never realised how good she actually was. She fell infront again. Moving to do some amazing moves to the beat. I watched the entire production. She had to kiss a dark haired guy a few times.
It came to the final dance. The moves were better than anything I'd ever seen. Mysty jumped up in the air legs out stretched either side of her. Her hands touched her feet before she landed then skidded across the floor on her knees. The dark haired guy, Max, grabbed her hand. She spun as she jumped up. Then he lifted her and threw her to the waiting troupe behind. She landed on their arm's where she was flipped to stand up. Max ran behind them for the finishing move. He cupped his hands for Mysty to put her foot on, where she flipped into the air to spin above the dancing troup and land facing the crowd. Then they all crouched down and froze. The audience started clapping and cheering. I joined in, still in shock. The blond announcer walked back on stage.
"Ladies and gentlemen." He started. "I give you 'Ballistic'. The star's of tonight's production."
Mysty and the other dancer's stood up and bowed.
"Now our leading lady would like to say a few word's." He said when the audience calmed down. He passed the mic to Mysty.
"Hi everyone." She said into the mic. The audience shouted back. "Did you enjoy the show?" Again the audience cheered. She smiled. "I'm so glad. But you know this entire show was for one special person." I froze as the light's throughout the theatre went on. "This special person has saved me and been there for me when I needed him." She looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back. "He's told me how much he loves me, but I've never said it back." She walked closer to me. "I wanted it to be the right time to say it." She crouched down. "You mean the world to me, Gerard Way. And I wouldn't be where I am today without you. I've loved every second I've spent with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." The audience awwed. "Gerard, I love you with all my heart. I've loved you for a long time. I will always love you. So I would like to ask. Gerard Arthur Way, will you marry me?"


Blame my daughter for the street dancing thing. She's been watching loads of step up

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