Chapter 26

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Mysty's P.O.V

​I froze as I realised who the figure was. I pushed Gerard behind me as I noticed the large knife in his hand. He looked back up at us with a smirk.
"​​​​​​Hello again." He said.
"How are you even here?" I asked."You should be in prison."
"Doesn't matter. I'm here to finish what I started." He took a few steps forward.
I shook my head. "You sure you want to do that?" I was scared. But there's no way I was going to let him hurt Gerard. "Oli, Jeremy and Bob won't hesitate to track you down. And you know Jeremy and Oli won't stop until your either behind bars or dead. You'd be safer in prison, Jared. You know that." I push Gerard backwards as Jared advances towards us with the knife.
"They don't scare me." He said raising the knife.
"Gerard? Mysty?" Mikey called from the doorway.
Jared moved fast. Grabbing me and pulling my back to him, he held the knife to my throat. I could feel the cold blade dig into my skin slightly.
"One more step from either of you and I slit Marty's throat." He snapped.
Gerard backed up and dropped the lamp. Mikey moved slowly up the stairs.
"Come on, mate." Mikey said, calmly. "You don't want to hurt her. Think of the consequences. If you kill her, you will have to live with it for the rest of your life. Could you really live with that?"
Jared sneared. "Actually yes. I could. Now back off and quit trying to get me to back down. I'm doing this regardless of what you say."

Frank's P.O.V

​I decided I'd hang out with Gerard and Mysty today. See if I can help with the wedding plans. Whatever they need. I'm really happy for Gerard. Even if Mysty is nuts.
I freeze as I notice the broken door. Edging slowly towards it, I hear Mikey trying to talk someone down. The voice that answers is Jared Leto. I thought he was in prison? I look carefully around the door frame. Mikey and Gerard are watching Jared with wide eyes. Jared has his back to Gerard and Mysty's bedroom door. He has a knife to her throat. I take in the situation. The bedroom door is open. At least it looks like it. I quietly head around the house to stop under their bedroom window and drag my phone out. I dial ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Ray, Bob and Oli on group call.

​Ray: "Hey, Frank. What's up?"
Me: "Listen, guy's. Call the police."
Bob: "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Me: "I'm okay. It's Gerard, Mikey and Mysty."
Oli: "What's wrong with Marty?"
Me: "Jared escaped somehow. He has a knife at Mysty's throat. Mikey tried talking him down. But he wouldn't listen."
Jeremy: "I'll fucking kill him."
Me: "I've got to go. I'm going to stop this."

​I heard them shout me not to. But there's no way I'm going to let my friends get killed. So I hung up the phone, put it in my pocket on silent and started to make the climb to Gerard and Mysty's bedroom window. Thankfully the window was open slightly. So I climbed in quietly. I watched as Jared slowly backed into the room. The knife moved away from Mysty's throat slightly. That's my queue. I lunged forward and grabbed his arm, making sure not to catch Mysty with the knife. We struggled for possession of the weapon. The knife slipped and we went still....​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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