Chapter 21

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Gerard's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Next day. Gay pride day.

Mysty seemed to know everyone involved in the Gay Pride parade. She was by the main float with two men dressed in elaborate clothing. One all in blue, one all in red.
"You look lonely, hon." I turned to see a dark haired man, smiling at me. "I could keep you company."
I smiled back. "I'm fine thank you."
He shimmys (Shimmys?) closer. "I don't mind." He says as he puts a hand on my arm. "A pretty boy like you shouldn't be left alone." He grins. I gulp. "I'm single, you know. We could always go for a drink. Maybe more."
Oh fuck. "Err...I'm...err..."
"Sorry, Sammy." Mysty walked up to me and kissed my cheek. "This one's mine."
Sammy back's up. "Marty, baby." He says with a smile. "How's my baby girl doing?"
Mysty hugs him. "Good." She puts her right arm around my waist. "Thanks to Gerard."
Sammy's eye's widen. "Is this the same Gerard that saved you?"
She laughs. "The one and only. Yes."
Sammy practically screams. Then he turns to the guys near the float. "HEY, GUYS. THIS IS GERARD. MARTYS HERO." He shouts.
About twelve guys dressed in elaborate clothing rushed to surround us. I froze. This is weird.
"He's a beauty." One guy said.
"He's hot." Another guy observed.
"If you ever break up, send him my way." Another guy said.
Mysty laughed. "Calm down, ladies." She hugged me tighter. "Your embarrassing him."
How the fuck did she notice that?
They moaned but thanked me for saving their 'baby girl'.
Billie looked hilarious sat on his throne surrounded by the elaborately dressed guys that crowded us earlier. He waved and winked at the crowd as the float moved down the street. He blew me a kiss and threw a hotel room key at me. Mysty laughed.
"Looks like Billie has designs on you." She said.
"Wait." I frowned. "Billie isn't gay is he?"
Mysty laughed louder. "That would explain why he's comfortable with his role today." She said after she calmed down. "And why he didn't mind getting dressed up in women's clothing." She sighed. "But no. He's straight."
Thank fuck for that.
The parade went well. Mysty had a fair amount of gay friends. Every time someone passed us, they said hi to her. She even greeted them all by their names. Most of the people there would pass as women. Seem as I was having difficulty telling the men from the women. Thankfully, Mysty never left my side. So she pointed out the men from the women. Overall, it was a great day. Appart from Sammy coming on to me.


So Gerard gets the gay interest this time. Comment and rate, please. Love you

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