Stephanie Angel Styles

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Name: Stephanie Angel Styles

Age: 2 and a half

Birthday: April 10th

Family: Mom, Dad, sister (older), Grandparents, aunts

Best friends: Prim Payne, and Darcy Styles

Favorite colors: Like her sister if she doesn't like a color she'll let you know. Her preference is yellow.

Bio: She is my other cutie Steph! You all know why she's named that and when she's older I tell her about her fantastic aunt Stephanie. Steph is a lot like me, she's giggly and happy but when something makes her upset run away or risk something to the head. She and Darcy are like me and Harry so they get along fabulously. Darcy even walks around holding Stephanie's hand; she's very protective of her baby sister. Her best playmates besides her family are Zayn, Niall, and Eleanor. All of the girls were excited, in both families and the band because they had two little girls to spoil. Prim, Darc, and Steph are the boys' favorite little girls. They love having them on tour because they have someone to play with, even though us mommies- Dani and I- don't care for it they bring the little girls on stage sometimes. The fans adore them and call them the 'Direction's Angels.' It's cute <3

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