Chapter five! What the hell are you doing!?

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I was dancing with Leo at a distance, I didn't feel comfortable letting him up to close because I only wanted Harry to get a little jealous but he seems too glued to that skanky girl to see his soon to be wife and supposed love of his life dancing with a very, bold french man. Leo danced closer to Harry was but he didn't even notice. I was getting to be highly uncomfortable but I have to make sure Harry sees and feels what he is doing to me; even if I really don't want to be here. I felt him drop his hand down from my hip to my thigh, my bare thigh. I pushed him away slightly and was inwardly begging for Harry to notice me at some point. I looked up and she was obviously about to kiss Harry and he wasn't doing anything to stop it! I felt my blood boil; Stephanie wouldn't be able to tell me that I jumped to conclusions now because I was watching with my own two eyes. Suddenly Harry was punched to the ground. I looked up and saw Liam. Liam looked at me and ran over. I clung to him; Harry was going to do it. He was going to kiss that girl knowing we were going to get married in not even a month.

The blonde girl that he had been dancing with was looking at us; her long blonde hair was matted and messy. Her dress was the exact one that they tried to get me to wear; I'm glad I didn't. It looked really slutty on her. Slowly Harry sat up and looked at the girl, then Liam, then me, and then at Leo who was standing too closely behind me. He glared and got up. He walked over and was beyond angry.

"Who the hell is this?" He growled at me, motioning to Leo. I snapped.

"What the hell do you mean? Who the hell is she? You were awfully close and touching on her, you were even going to let her kiss you! Harry I thought I could trust you!" I growled. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out into the alley way behind the bar.

"Now tell me who the hell that was!" He shouted. I was getting madder and madder by the second.

"Harry who the hell was that in there, you were all up on her like she was the hottest thing ever and I was only trying to get your attention because I felt hurt you prick!" I said and fought back tears. We were not having this argument. We were supposed to be the power couple; the couple who survived nearly being separated forever! The couple that had the two beautiful daughters and we happily married forever. We were supposed to be the happily ever after couple. But I knew it wasn't true. I knew that there is no such thing as happily ever after.

"That was just some girl that I recognized that I used to date! Angela Mayheart, she doesn't mean anything to me! And why the hell would you dance with that guy to get my attention?" He shouted. I slapped him, hard and right across the cheek.

"You are the dumbest person I know! Harry didn't you me nearly crying in there because I saw you and her together? We have kids; we're supposed to be getting married! Harry we're supposed to be happy! The way that you were touching that girl though... you had feelings for her; strong ones that haven't gone away right?" I asked heartbrokenly. He looked shocked.

"No that's not it at all Erika, I'm drunk, I have no clue what I'm doing but I do know that I love you and I've never loved someone like I love you and our daughters! That guy is obviously drooling over you; don't think I didn't see him grabbing at your thighs and every other part of your body! Why the hell would you put up with that?" He asked.

"Because I wanted you to see what happens when you are flirting with everything in a skirt." I said and literally felt the tears brimming. Harry held me close to him; he reeked of alcohol but I ignored it.

"I'm sorry... please forgive me?" He asked. I sighed and hugged him back.

"Yes, I forgive you but next time it won't be this easy for me to forgive you... you remember my rules don't you...?" I asked worriedly and I felt him nod. Liam walked out and Leo was behind him. Liam motioned towards behind him where Leo stood and mouthed, 'Stay away from him- he's not safe.' I nodded and so did Harry. He came stomping out.

Count Down To Mrs.Styles~Sequel To Prank Call Of Fate? *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now