Chapter two! Be good girls or no playground!

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I glanced at the clock; it was one in the afternoon, leaving towards two. We were supposed to have finished around late eleven early twelve so that we'd be home before Harry was. That didn't work out because of, as Gemma called it, 'lack of effort from the bride's behalf.' We would've been able to leave closer to twelve but we had to separate three very clingy girls. It was always a battle to get them away from each other, they were highly inseparable. Harry had to pick up a kicking and screaming Darcy while I picked up an inwardly seething Stephanie. She was like me; she may look calm of the outside but she had killed me at least three times in her small little mind. I was proud- she was so much like her momma!

Harry and I swapped, he strapped Stephanie in her car seat and I got the little Harry; she didn't like not getting her way. That may be mean to Harry but hey- he acted like a brat sometimes if he wasn't getting what he wanted. "Darcy Anne Styles knock it off right now or I will not take you to the park. You will stay with Aunt Daphne and your grandparents." I growled out lightly, feeling her push my buttons. Harry placed his hand on the small of my back and leaned in the car.

"Darcy be a good girl for mommy, she loves you very much and does everything she can to make you happy. If you be a good girl then after the park we'll go and buy a toy." Harry said. I was fighting off the tingling feeling I got from where Harry was touching my back, lightly drumming his fingers on it.

"Okay." She huffed and crossed her little arms with the same pout her dad got when he was in trouble with his mom. I chuckled at the sight with Harry since he knew the same thing I had thought. We closed the door and he lightly kissed me before walking to the driver seat, Stephanie was behind his with Darcy behind the passenger seat. The bag with all of their things in it was in the middle. Both girls had their binky's; Darcy's was blue and pink while Stephanie's was yellow and purple. That was how we knew whose was whose; we kept it to their favorite colors per-girl. Harry started the car and held my hand as he put the radio on. Darcy and Stephanie had a love for music so great at the age of two that they'd actually sing along, if they could. It happened to be Harry's Marron 5 CD and the girls started singing, 'Payne Phone' yes Niall taught it to them. He offered to teach them to play the guitar when they grew up and Harry and I agreed. They often were lulled to sleep by his playing and they liked to watch him play, and sometimes he let them play a little. Harry and I laughed a little as Darcy stumbled on the words but Stephanie was really good at it. That's a place where the girls were different. Stephanie would sing pretty well for a two year old and Darcy was the more talented when playing around with instruments.

Before we went to the park we went home to feed the girls knowing that they would get hungry and grouchy at the park otherwise. Harry was feeding Darcy while I held Stephanie and fed her; while I did I was telling her stories of her late aunt. Harry was slightly singing one of their songs to Darcy. The girls fell asleep so we put them to bed for a bit before we took them to the park. Harry and I relaxed on the couch, I was lying against him and he was holding me closely. He was tired and was sleeping because he had a long and tedious photo shoot where they weren't ever good enough for the photographer. Finally after all of the boys got mad enough the photographer gave in and settled on some. Then they had to run from their fans. That always wore Harry out, regardless of if he admitted it or not. I was listening to his steady heart beat and steady breathing. We were at my parent's old apartment, yeah they moved into a house after the death of Stephanie because there were too many old memories. The girls' room was the one that Stephanie and Daphne used to use, the room that Harry and I slept in was the room that I used to sleep in as a teenager, and my parent's old room was just what we used as a guest bed room. I slowly fell asleep.

I was awoken to the happy sound of laughter. When I sat up I was in my bed and it was two-thirty in the afternoon so I hadn't been asleep for too long. The laughter continued so I headed towards it- it was coming from the kitchen. I walked in and Stephanie and Darcy were in their High-Chairs and Harry was cooking macaroni with a dramatic flair, like spinning and swinging things around trying to look cool in front of our kids. An idea crept into my mind, when Harry had his back turned I snuck into the kitchen quietly- not making a sound- I motioned to the girls not to say anything and I crept up behind Harry and jumped onto his back.

Count Down To Mrs.Styles~Sequel To Prank Call Of Fate? *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now