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" I really can't stand to see you leave girl." Grandma said as she hugged me goodbye. "You call me as soon as you get home ." Gina and Kendra were still sniffing from their crying session. "Come on girls I'll make y'all some pancakes." "My dad grabbed Azalea and kissed her goodbye. " Next time I'll bring you girls back with me. I promise I'll call you when we get to our first stop." She nodded her head and went inside. "You got all your stuff?" "Yeah absolutely." We both sat back in the car. "Before we go we need to stop somewhere so don't get too comfortable." I'm gonna really miss this clear, beautiful fresh air. " I said sadly watching the trees go by. "This will always be a place where you can come back too." I nodded my head and continued to watch the sky.
We suddenly stopped at this wide open field. "I would put my Nikes on if I was you. Just in case you could step in mud." Dad said as he rolled up his jeans.I rolled my eyes and laced up my shoes. The clouds started to cover up the sun which was great because it started to get warm. We stopped in front of a giant bed of lavender which I could smell all the way down to my soul. I noticed in the distance something was sticking out of the ground. "Grab my hand and follow me." I slowly reached for his hand nervously. The lavender slowly ran across my leg which felt really unique. My legs started to itch really bad. The closer we got to the object coming from the ground my grip on my dad's hand got tighter. He took a deep breath in and walked out of the way of the object so I could see but still holding my hand. " "Here lies the body of Camilia Brown, a pure and righteous soul 1989-2019. What the fuck is this Cain?" I started to hear cracking sounds coming from my dad's hand. "This is where your mother is buried. I'm sorry I had to keep this from you these past couple of weeks but I really didn't want you going through any more pain." "I dropped down to my knees and touched the cold headstone. I couldn't even piece my next sentence together. All those nights fighting myself for actually feeling sorry for her and wanting her to come home were the only moments when I actually felt love for her, and now looking at her deathbed knowing she will never come back to the place we shared together is utterly mind blowing. "Showing you this was Azalea's idea... Honestly I wanted her to go M.I.A like she made me ,but she's a woman and deserves the utmost respect especially that she is your mother. Your grandmother chose this beautiful spot for her where she'll definitely be at rest. "Fuck you! There's always a catch in this thing called life! Look at my mother she the prime example of being fucked over to the point you just cant get back up. And for you and your fakeass poster family to keep this from me after years not even knowing you people exist i might add is just fucking unbeliveable. I cant belive im really alone now, I really tricked myself in beliving she would come back which is stupid. Even if she would of came back it would be the same or worse. So what now huh... you just gonna drop me back off at that lonely apartment while you go back to a warm home where everyone is waiting for you ?" He stood in silence. " I know this changed everything we had going on with each other, but i'm going to see you three times a month like it or not change the locks i'll bust the door down. Look, I love you more than words E your mother didn't love herself or you. You might of thought i left but i made sure you had a roof over you and bed below you. I can't believe this is the first time we've all been together in 10 years." He then got on his knees and kissed the headstone. "Did you know you was my first love Cammy?.......You knew, that's why I let you do the shit you wanted to do... Your own pops didn't care because he was on the needle, how could pick that shit up from him?.... I tried my best to hide everything Eve. I know I shouldn't have brought it in our home, a place I promised we would build together not fucking desrtoy and abandon. I was a stupid kid who wanted to give someone who never had love or a family exactly that. I did what i had to do to take care of yall and that made your momma steal from me and push me away." I started to hug myself and cry from the pit of my stomach. He grabbed me tight. "I promise moving forward, I won't ever leave you in the dark like that again. I stepped away from him. "I will never forgive you for this.... or for your past please dont try to sell me on your change...... fuck change! Our whole relationship is literally built off of lost time and regret. That's why you wanted me to be so grown now it all makes sense thanks for the lesson now take me the fuck back home before the thought of my mom being hours away from me buried under fucking these itchy ass flowers sets in." I walked to the car and Cain just kept quiet. "I really have a whole apartment to worry about now. How am I going to go back to finish school? "That's not your problem, the bills are gonna be taken care of you 've been there your whole life. You have two semesters left you can be homeschooled and work if you want to move out get yourself a better one. Cain said as he started the car up. "You are unbelievable." I said while quietly sobbing in my hands.
An hour passed and not a single word was spoken. The feeling of loss wasn't as raw, a small feeling of peace started to fill me up. Her spirit is free from judgment and pain and maybe her being gone will bring our relationship together. Cain looked weak, him being on the bottom of my list right now really is getting to him. Why should he care anyway he's the one with the loving family i dont have shit. "How long till im back home?" He checked the gps and cleared his throat. " Three and a half hours, why do you need to use the restroom?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm just ready to go back to my surroundings. I swear I'll never leave my city again, or talk to strangers." He pressed his foot on the break. "Eve if you have nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself or you'll be home in the next forty-eight hours because you'll be walking." I crossed my arms and closed my eyes. The bumps on the road rocked me to sleep.
"Hey baby girl, what are you doing out so late?" I choked back the tears. "Honestly Joe i'm looking for my mom i haven't seen her since yesterday." I hated being forteen i was so round and covered head to toe with eczema. "Honestly sweetie, I saw her about an hour ago." "She's probably at Sunny's down the street." I went into my pocket and grabbed my phone to text Justice, which didn't take her too long to respond and sneak out. "Thank you joe for your help!" I hollered as justice and I ran down the sidewalk. "How the fuck are we gonna get in this club Eve?" Justice said looking at all the people standing in line trying to get into the club. "I honestly don't know but I appreciate you coming out to help." Justice laughed. "Girl don't think so deep it's Saturday night why wouldn't i be out especially with the fine men out here. I think that man in the corny ass navy blue puma sweatsuit works with my mom. Follow me and be cool." Justice pulled my shorts higher which squished my thighs. "Got any tissue we need to fill these boobies up. Why are you so flat in the front, girl?" I shook my head. "Well just stand close behind me, you're lucky I'm taller than you." I did exactly that and followed her lead. "Harry is that you?" The man quickly approached us. "Justice, your mamma knows you're here? Its grown folk hours lil mama. She put her arms behind her back and leaned close to him. "I am grown fuck you talking about. I actually need your help in exchange for a favor. You see me and my homegirl are meeting up with the squad tonight. The girls and the niggas they came with already went in. If you help me I'll just turn up with you instead. I always thought you were cute. I won't tell anyone." He smiled and grabbed her ass and I slowly but closely walked behind the disgusting display. Justice put her hand behind her back to hold my hand as we walked through the red rope entering the club. The first thing that grabbed my attention about the place was the smell, it honestly smelled so bad it felt illegal. The music was nice for 90s hits. "Eve i'll meet you outside in thirty go find your mom." Justice whispered as she started to walk to the dance floor with harry. I could barely see through the clouds of smoke and cheap lasers. I walked over to a group of old heads standing around the bar. "Excuse me, I'm looking for my girl Camilia. I lost her in the crowd." They looked at each other and laughed. "You mean yo mamma? We actually drank with her a few times." I nodded my head in embarrassment. "Actually she is down in the basement, that's where she is probably making some cash." "Of course she is." I growled. "To get to the basement you have to turn right down that hallway past the bathrooms. I'll go with you just in case." "Thank you so much!" The basement was dark and smelled worse than the club. The dark red lighting started to give me a migraine and bad contact high. "She's in that room over there." He pointed. I crept up to the room. "Go head Cam show my boys what you can do." My mom was dancing naked in a room full of rednecks. The floor was covered in money and pots full of chewing tobacco spit. I wanted to shut everything down but I was just embarrassed watching my mother degrade herself all the time. I got down on my knees and started stuffing cash in my pockets. There was so much for herself she wouldn't miss it. I slowly snuck back out and searched for justice to leave. She was still on the dance floor but she was by herself. "Hey girl i found her and it wasn't pretty lets go before we get sold to someone." We both laughed and ran out the clu. "So we went through all of that and yo mama still doing tricks!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed the cash. "Speaking of tricks found this while she was playing Ronnie." "Damn girl i taught you well good for you! Let's get something to eat a restaurant gotta be still open. I got some bud too wanna smoke a joint?" I smiled without even answering her question. "This taco is crazy girl." Justice said as she stuffed her face. "This joint is crazy girl, this is why you can't focus in class this shit frying my brain cells." We both burst out laughing. "Eve you're dropping ash all over your couch, your mom dont trip?" "You don't want to even know what had been on this couch. " "You think she's coming back tonight or?.." Justice said as she put her arm around me. "Why does she only care about herself,i hate her so much but i cant sleep unless i know she safe am i stupid?" "You are the smartest person i know, but your mother is a sad drug attic that barely keeps the rent paid. You need to worry about yourself, she fucked up her life you still have one that hasn't even started yet. I puffed the joint one good time and passed it to justice. "What happened to harry?" Justice jumped off the couch and laughed. "Oh yeah i told him to go buy us some drinks and the second he walked off i ran and hid in the bathroom." "You sneaky little snake!" I screamed. We rolled around on the floor and laughed for hours . "Thanks for having my back tonight!" I said as I hugged justice goodnight. "I'll always have your back girl." Justice ran down the steps to her apartment. In the distance I noticed a white pick up truck pulling into the parking lot. It pulled up close to the staircase and my mom jumped out fixing her dress and fixing her wig. "Eve why the fuck are you outside it's late!" I rolled my eyes and went back inside.
"Get up Eve we're here." I cracked my eyes open to see my sweet apartment building which I didn't appreciate as much as I do now. " I'll be back in the morning before I go back to Virginia to say goodbye and give you the night to get some rest. I grabbed my bag and got out of the car. I didn't even look back, I just walked right up the steps and looked at all my surroundings. I walked up to Justice's old apartment door and slid my hand across it shedding a tear for my best friend who I miss dearly. By The time I reached my apartment I felt completely numb. Turning the key made my hand sweat. When I cut the lights on I thought I was in the wrong apartment. All the furniture was taken out and the new ones were put in. I dropped my bags and walked to the couch which was black now and leather smelled brand new. I walked over to my mothers room which was empty and all her stuff was gone like she never even lived there. The bathroom was completely spotless and the shower was clean with a new shower curtain. I ran to my room hoping he didn't touch my shit but he didn't oh that was changed was he put a queen bed in there and a TV. There was a folded card on the mattress with my name on the outside of it. I know exactly who would've done this and I'm not thankful either. I opened the car and it read. '' Dear Eve, I know you're gonna miss your mother. We tried all we could to keep her alive but it was time for her to rest. Your the most beautiful strongest young lady I know and I'm proud to be your grandma. Hiding your mother's death was wrong ,but how she lived was wrong. You deserve to be happy and free from her. Look at your mothers death as freedom of being your own person. The family put together money to fix up your apartment so you can go for it with a clean slate. Please come see me again ~Love Grandma.
I laid down on the couch looking at all the change around me. "Time to switch things up." I whispered.
Hello my readers!!!!! I'm finishing up the book as we speak so multiple chapters could be posted!! I just want to thank everybody's taking the time to read it words can't express how much I love y'all also at this moment I'm going through and editing my chapters so it's professional and more projects in the making!!!

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