Chapter 013

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"Seriously?!" Faye shrieked when Dark Angel and I told her that our parents said no.

"What did you expect? We told you not to get your hopes up anyway." I said to her with a sigh at the end before taking a sip of my drink.

"Yeah besides my parents aren't the type to let me go out on my own and all." Dark Angel added on, with a heavy breath as she leaned back into her seat.

Faye let out an irritated huff, as she let her head fall onto the desk but thankfully didn't land hard enough to hurt her. Almost as soon as her head touched the desk, she lifted it again with such an expression that it looked like she had a genius thought.

"I have an idea!" She exclaimed, snapping her fingers with an exciting look.

"Why don't I just sneak the two of you out?" She suggested.

"NO." Dark Angel and I answered simultaneously.

So much for genius thought...

"AND WHY NOT?! WE NEED TO GO OUT!" She shouted waving her arms in the air for dramatic effect which worked.

Dark Angel shushed her so she wouldn't draw any attention to us.

"One it's a dumb idea and two we'd get in trouble sneaking out." She reasoned but Faye wasn't budging.

"I swear we won't get caught, and even if we do, I'll take all the blame since it's my idea but I'm not saying we'd get caught I'm saying IF we get caught. Please, guys.' Faye continued to get us on board with the idea but I for one wasn't liking it.

It could be fun.

And there's that stupid brain cell going against the rest of them again. Why is it that it always takes that one dumb cell to convince me to do these things? Dark Angel kept on rejecting the idea while Faye kept on pestering her to do it but I could tell. That secretly she wanted to do it.

"Come on Dark Angel think about it! You've never been out like how I'm suggesting in your life! You're having a hard time at home as well I can tell. A little fun won't kill you, also you guys have been studying so much, that you need the time to chill. All that studying and pressure can't be good for you. This is your one chance to do you without needing your parent's permission. LIVE LIFE A BIT." Faye ranted doing multiple hand gestures and expressions to get her in the mood.

But she's right. Dark Angel and I kind of have similar issues when it comes to parents. I wouldn't say we're in the same situation but in a way we are. All I know is that her parents are also strict but not sure if they're like mine.

"You know what, you're right."

Am I hearing right?

"I knew you were going to say no but- wait really?" Faye stopped in the middle of her sentence, clearly taken back by her sudden agreement.

"Yes, and screw it! I'm sneaking out and living life." She slammed her hand on the desk, leaving a loud thud sound echoing in the classroom.

"GREAT! Kookie what about you?" Faye questioned me with hopeful eyes.

Should I go or not? I mean I'd get in a lot of trouble if I get caught but... if I don't get caught this would either end up a good or crappy experience for me. I'm not one for sneaking out or spending more than the required time in society but these two are good enough to somehow throw themselves into my life and make me want them to stick around even though it's only been a while. I know I shouldn't go, something could go downhill plus I've got shit that I procrastinated all week to finish.

There are those and many more reasons I shouldn't go. Just stay at home and finish what needs to be done, then stay in my room all day. In my comfort zone. All of my brain cells were screaming at me to decline and stay at home but...

With a deep breath, I made up my mind.

"I'm in."

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