Chapter 47: Lost in Dreams

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--------dream sequence-----------------

Elena wondered the streets of some city she didn't recognize. Judging by the structures of the buildings and the people wondering about, she could tell she was back in Geralt's world.

How was this possible, she wondered; she could've sworn she made it back to her world with her team, how could she have possibly made it back.
There was no sign of Geralt, and for once, she was thankful for that. After the drama that had ensued on that mountain, she didn't want to see the Witcher's face anytime soon.
She looked around the town, wondering where to go and if she should try and find any of her comrades. 

In the midst of it all, Elena saw a group of kids in a circle, looked like they were playing some kind of game. The Shadowhunter walked closer, drawn to one kid. It was a girl of eleven maybe twelve years of age. Though her head was covered, strands of ashen hair manage to find their way out.
There was something about this girl, but what it was Elena didn't know.

Elena suddenly looked to the sky; it was supposed to be clear and sunny, or at least it was when she looked up last time. The sky was now shades of red and orange, which would've signaled to Elena that the sun was setting if it weren't for the fact that smoke was also filling the sky.

The Shadowhunter looked to kids and to the girl, but said kids were gone. Arrows suddenly shot up to the sky as people started running for cover. Elena ran as fast as she could to get out of the place.
She ran past guards and the past the gates just as they closed.
She looked ahead and saw an army of black and gold about to storm the city.

---------New York Institute----------

"El?" Isabelle knocks on her sister's bedroom door, "El, you in there?"

It had been about three, almost four weeks since the Shadowhunter party returned to their world. After returning their findings to the Inquisitor, the lot was regulated back to the Institute while the Clave debated what was to be done next.
So far no decisions seem to have been made, though that wasn't much of a surprise, given how long it takes for the Clave to decide anything, regardless of the fact of this fairly new revelation that Shadowhunters have existed in another world.

During that time, Clary had officially gone through the ceremony and earned her Angelic Rune and was currently pursuing some kind of relationship with Jace, Alec still kept the Institute up and running while also working on his relationship with Magnus, and Isabelle was still going to meetings for her yin fin addiction.

And then there was Elena.

Since coming back, Elena felt herself swaying back and forth in endless limbo, clearly still not over Geralt. She avoided everyone around her for the most part, even Alec, who tried to talk to her, asking her what had happened, but she wouldn't say anything.

Instead, Elena had gone on extended demon hunts and taking extra night shifts, and sometimes day shifts, so as to keep her mind off certain things, and to avoid answering any questions Alec or anyone else would want to ask.
Sometimes, when her patrols would near their end, she would sneak away to whatever bars or clubs were still open and down her grievances in cocktails. Despite drinking to the point of getting wasted, she would manage to make her way back to the Institute and into her bed. 

This day, however, the day Izzy went to go wake her up, it looked like she didn't return alone. Elena had started to wake around the time the sun shone through the window and hit her eyes. She had a splitting headache, and she groaned as she started to open her eyes. She felt like a zombie, wondering how much she had to drink this time around.

Shadow of the White Wolf: a Witcher/Shadowhunters CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now