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Warning: this chapter mentions death and self delete. It's not described in graphic detail, but it's mentioned and the method of "self delete" is mentioned as well. Again, there are no graphic details like blood or the act of it, but this is a warning just so you know what you're getting into.

Be safe while reading, lovelies <3

[P.S. - I've included a synopsis just because this chapter literally describes how a character had... yk... crossed the rainbow bridge. It includes the entire chapter so you can just skip to the bottom and read the synopsis if you'd like, even just to save time /lh/cl]

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"Scott's where?" Grian asked, ignoring the bowl of cereal Joel had slid to him over the counter.

Joel sighed. "The hospital," he repeated, making his way to the sink. "Daniel said something about getting x-rays for a fractured shoulder." He glanced up from the sink, where he was cleaning dishes from his and Lizzie's dinner last night, to see his tired girlfriend yawning at the beginning of the hallway. "Mornin', cutie," he said with a wink.

Lizzie smiled sleepily and padded over to them. "Good morning," she said, and she yawned again.

"Sleep well?" Joel asked, laughing. He turned to hug her, pressing a gentle kiss to her hair and disregarding the noise of playful disgust Grian made.

She hummed as she breathed Joel in. "You smell like burnt pancakes," she mumbled, causing Joel's cheeks to flame a bright red.

"Probably 'cause he just failed horribly at making breakfast," Grian commented, stiring the cereal with his spoon. "Who knew someone could be so terrible at cooking?"

Lizzie snorted, pulling away from Joel just enough to look up at him. "You dork," she teased. She lifted herself onto her toes and pecked a small kiss onto her boyfriend's cheek. "I can make the pancakes if you want."

Joel smiled down at her. "That's alright," he said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "We have plenty of cereal." He turned to Grian, who didn't seem to have had any of his breakfast yet, and frowned. "Is it bad?"

Grian shook his head. "Not really hungry," he said dully. He looked up from his bowl as he set his spoon down. "Is Scott okay?"

Joel's eyebrows furrowed together in concern. "Are you sure you're not hungry?" he asked softly. He moved away from Lizzie to lean against the island counter. "You never had dinner last night."

Grian shrugged.


"I'm not hungry."

Joel sighed. "You're positive that you're not hungry?"

Grian threw his head back as he let out an agitated whine. "God, is it that hard to believe me?" He turned in his stool and hopped down to rush off down the hall.


"Leave me alone!" Grian shouted, followed by the sound of a slamming door.

A mixture of anger and confusion filled Joel as he gripped the edge of the marble counter. He stared at Grian's closed bedroom door for a moment before practically deflating, folding his arms over the counter and dropping his head into them. "What am I doing wrong?" he sobbed.

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