T H I R T Y - F I V E

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"Jasper, she needs to leave." Seraphina could hear Edward's voice from outside the room. She wondered what was going on and who they were talking about. Probably her, to be fair.

"I am not leaving her." Jasper spat back, and Seraphina frowned even more. What was happening outside her door?

"Listen, Jasper, she needs to leave." Edward repeated, as though it were a record player that was broken.

"No, she doesn't." Jasper argued and Edward sighed. He glanced at the brown oak door, hoping Seraphina was asleep. Unfortunately, she was not.

"Alice saw something." Edward pressed and Jasper's fists tightened.

"What did she see?"



Seraphina and Jasper sat outside the police station, Bella and Alex in the car next to theirs.

"Where's Bella going?" Seraphina asked and Jasper clenched his jaw.

"Bella and Alex are going to Florida." Jasper informed his fiance, and she nodded before frowning.

"Are they going to see Rene?" Jasper nodded, and he watched carefully as the two left the vehicle and made their way towards the station door. The rain drizzled down on them, and Seraphina pursed her lips. Now or never.

"Alex!" She called after opening the door. Her brother turned and faced her, but rolled his eyes and turned around. "Alex, please." Seraphina jogged up to her brother and puffed out her chest, as though she were about to deliver a large speech. "I'm sorry for all i said earlier, but...please...forgive me. I didn't have a choice to leave you. I would've fought back then if i knew what was happening."

"But you didn't."

"I know. But-"

"You were six...you couldn't fight much." Seraphina breathed out in relief at the small smile that was on Alex's face. "I'm guessing mother put a spell on you to forget everything?"

"You already forgot she had?" Alex chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "Anyways, go ahead. That's all i wanted to say." Her bother nodded and walked towards Bella, sending one last glance at Seraphina. The brunette walked back to Jasper's car and got inside. She smiled at him, but he didn't look at her. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Jasper started the ignition and drove back to the house. The two walked inside, hand-in-hand, and Edward frowned. He opened his mouth to say something, but Jasper looked at him pointedly.

"Esme!" Seraphina called, and the woman seemed to have appeared in front of her. "Can you teach me how to cook pancakes?" Esme laughed with joy and nodded, ushering Seraphina towards the kitchen area.

Euphoria ~ Jasper Hale  (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now