Coversations in the Kitchen

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    I woke up to the sound of my phone beeping non-stop and prayed that the crew had found Stiles. To my luck, I happened to be right.  Good, I smiled now I can actually think. Relieved, I pushed the comforter off my air matress and plopped the phone down on the deflated rest stop.

Now time to get ready for another day at the high school. My mind said. But I a different idea: Breakfast. The promise of savory bacon beckoned me to the kitchen, feeding Apollo his food before I dug in to my own.

  “Morning." Mumbled my dad in a somber tone. His impression over powered my senses and I couldn't help but ask him if he was okay, despite the fact that he hates having emotion talks with me.

   “Malia, has gone away." He told me, moving from his spot stationed by the stove and setting down a plate full of eggs and bacon next to me.

Despite being distracted by the food, his words punched me in the face as I tried to process them through my brain. Malia, has gone away? Where did she go? She just got back from her little adventure in the woods! I mentally ranted, but finally stuttered some speech.

“Wha-what happened to her?" A worried expression began to set on my face as I uttered the words.

“She's at a special place to help her get better." He said, finally sitting down and sipping his coffee.

Get better! What does he mean by GET BETTER? Malia was fine! It was I who was crazy, not Malia. I just got her back. The thought stumbled into my brain like a ungainly elephant.

“W-why?" I intoned,too concerned too eat or question why he was treating me like a kid, special place? He obviously meant a mental hospital.

“I've been watching her and she hasn't seemed like herself lately. Not like the girl I once new." He continued, disturbed.

That was when I got a little crazy.

NOT HERSELF! Of course she's not herself! She's been lost in the woods for years now! What would you expect, that changes people!" I yelled. If anything, Dad didn't seem like himself, it wasn't like him to really talk to me.

“But I'm not ready!" He sobbed. “Eight years is a long time to grieve, I need to get used to this!"

  “Five days ago, you would've killed to get Malia is back! Now you're not ready!" I screamed.

“It's for the greater good of this family." He said and looked at me with his solemn eyes, eyes that could rummage through your brain. I looked away, immediately thinking of the oni.

What family?" I asked, pure ice in my voice. Pretty suiting, especially since my eyes turned that same color at that moment. God. I cringed, fangs bulging. Why this? Why now? But none of those questions mattered as I ran out,  mumbling a distotrted “whatever" and slamming my bedroom door.

In my room I dealt with the transformation. I don't have time for this. I thought. There was too many things going on that needed to be handled.

Malia going away? The information, as difficult as it was to process, stopped the transformation. A realization dropped into my head.

Just thinking about the ones I love helps me control it. Cringing, I remembered when I used Stiles to control the shift. Great. I really do love Stiles. Oh my gosh.

“I love Stiles!" A pang of confusion and inner peace came to mind. Just saying it helped me finally come to terms with it. But I pushed the thought to the back of my mind. We had to stay friendly. For the group's sake, we would  never figure out who the nogitsune was unless the two of us kept it professional.  I waited a minute. Not very good logic, and still a voice in my head kept pestering me about him. 

   But I couldn't think about it. Not right now there were too many things filling up my brain at once and I couldn't focus on just one.

So I didn't, it would become exhausting. Instead, I tried to just focus on getting ready to actually face the things that have been vexing me. You can do this. I thought, and opened my closet with so much force it actually broke off one of the doors.

  Lord. This week, is gonna be hard.

A/N: Hey guys! What's up! Me again! And you thought I wouldn't write again! Well, surprise! Did ya like it? I hope so! Oh and don't worry about me abandoning this book, because at this point, it'll be really difficult to even pay me to do that. Yeah it's been hard but I have the inspiration again! I hope you love it as much as I love you guys (which is alot) thanks always to your love and appreciation. You will always have a place in my heart. Oh and look out for the next chapter, it will involve a plot from the show, not my own little scene, like this one was. Speaking of, how was that? Because im planning on doing another in the very distant future, something with Malia again. They are sisters and I wanna really tap on that more, so you'll start to sense more of that too! :) Bye. Love ya guys.

Thanks again,
~Ali :)

PS: for almost-daily updates,  be sure to check my about me. It always has new stuff and might tell you when I'm posting a new chapter, or just stuff about the book. So, check it out if you wanna know (which I hope you do)!


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