The Great Scissor Sculpture

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Chapter 11: The Great Scissor Sculpture

        It was about twelve o'clock when Scott called. I was flipping channels on the television in the sitting room, when I heard the phone ring. Jumping out of my seat, I craned my arm so I could just reach the phone, I looked around and grabbed it.

      “Scott?" I intoned, I knew he would only call me for one reason, and one reason only. There was a problem. A supernatural one. “What are you doing calling me in the middle of the night?" Slightly annoyed, I tapped my foot, waiting for his answer.

      “Its Stiles, meet me at his house, we need your help." “Wait- wha-" Before I could say another word, the call ended and I hastily got dressed, heading for Stiles's. These guys have to stop calling me in the middle of the night. I sighed and opened the door into the outside realm.


   I flew opened the strangely unlocked front door of Stiles's house and ran up the stairs, calling for Scott. Finally, I got to his room and was dazed at the sight. Inside the bed, was a pair of rusty scissors that looked to have been impaled into the matress. Tied onto the long scissors were several red strings, that then lead to many strange pictures attached to the wall on top of Stiles's bed. I gasped.

   “What the hell is this!" I said to nobody in particular.“And why are you guys here? Did Scott call you too?" I asked pointing to Aiden and Lydia, then looking at Scott and Isaac in a confused fashion. Lydia just looked at me, the feeling of fear radiated off of her.

   “I heard it." She said looking up from her tough business staring at one of the strings.  

   “Don't ask, it gets more confusing when you ask." Aiden told me shaking his head side to side.

    “Not as confusing as this." Scott lifted his head up, pointing to the tangled web of red strings. “He uses red for unsolved cases."  Lydia told Scott. “Maybe he thinks he's part of an unsolved case. " I suggested shrugging and inching toward the great scissor sculpture. “Or is an unsolved case." Aiden mumbled.

   “Hold on." Lydia held her pointer finger up, looking at Scott yet again. “He's still out there, you don't know where he is?" She asked shocked.

  “He said he was in an industrial basement some were." Scott said.

  “We came here too get a better scent." Isaac added, referring to him, Scott and I.

  “What else did he say?" I asked Scott. “Some things wrong with his leg, it's bleeding, and he's freezing."

   Aiden sighed, “Tonight's the closest night of the year, it's supposed to drop into the twenties." Aiden said his eyes equipped with a deep seriousness. Lydia's eyes widened.

  “What did his dad say?" She questioned soberly. “We kind of didn't call him yet..." Scott replied a guilty look proved that he was telling the truth.

    “Okay, so let me get this straight, Stiles is bleeding, practically hypothermic and in a strange basement somewhere, and you haven't called his dad?" I was appalled by his lack of thoroughness. It made me angry that he didn't go to all the heights to find his best friend. As much as we all thought it, Scott was not a superhero and he was gonna need help at some point.

   “He made me promise not too." Scott shrugged.

   “We can find him by scent, if he was sleepwalking he couldn't of gone far right?" Isaac added.

    “You didn't notice his jeep was gone did you?" Lydia asked icily. She waited for a response, when she didn't get one, she finally shook her head and took her phone out. “Look, you promised not to call his dad, I didn't. " She sighed and started dialing the phone number. Scott stopped her.

“Wait Lydia, I can get more help, I can call Derek, Allison."

    “Every one except for the cops, great idea." She smiled and icy smile and cocked her head.

    “You guys remember she only gets these feelings when someone's about to die right?" Aiden asked us looking at Lydia. Scott stopped and thought while I sighed and crowded my arms, tapping my foot while waiting for Scott's response.

  “You don't have to call his dad, it's five minutes to the station." I let out a yelp of joy. “Finally! He breaks!" I said, lifting both my hands up into the sky. There was a quick debate and Lydia and Aiden ended up staying in Stiles's room.

      Now to find Stiles. I laughed finally walking out into the cold crisp air.

A/N Hey guys! I know it's short but I haven't found to much time to write lately. But don't worry, I'm dedicated to this book! How do you think I'm doing with fitting Mavis in with the plotline and all the characters! I'm really trying on that, leave it in the comment section.

ps. Thank you to anyone that's Read my book, I really appreciate it! Almost two hundred reads! Yes!! :) :) I'll be sure to update the last part of the episode soon!

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