Hunting Party

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Chapter 4:Hunting Party

             “A jogger on her early morning run almost stepped right into this."  Sheriff Stilinski slammed a hunting trap unto the table in frustration. “You wanna tell me how many of these you put out there?"

        “Look, who cares my Dad likes to hunt so what?" I told the sheriff. “Why am I even here?" My hands were folded on top of the table as I twidled my thumbs. I didn't understand why Sheriff Stilinski didn't want to kill this horrible animal who slaughtered my sweet, innocent sister, then attacked me and tried to make it so I couldn't go on to tell the story.  To be honest I don't know why it didn't I deserved to die as much as anyone in that car did. It seemed as if it was holding back, something inside of it didn't want to kill me. I know, crazy right? But why not me? That's what I need to understand.

         My dad looked towards the back of our house as did Sheriff Stilinski with a suspicious glint in his eye. He gaited  toward the back and stopped at a room chalk full of empty packaging and boxes. I followed them quickly “Dad..." I said worried as I arrived at the scene. My father has been obsessing over this coyote since I've gotten back, maybe even for a while right years. He sleeps, eats,and even  breathes that coyote. He's spent thousands of dollars worth of hunting equipment just to kill this animal. 

     “Oh my God." Sheriff Stilinski seemed shocked. He walked into the room cautiously. “Some kid could get trapped in one of these, some kid could die in one of these!" Stilinski didn't seem to understand the fact that that has already happened to this family, we still can't get over it. My eyes burned blue and I tried to calm myself down but I just kept thinking the sheriff was being insensitive. My eyes calmed down again when I realized that he was just trying to help

  “My kid died." Dad said on the verge of tears. “Mine."

    But Sheriff Stilinski showed no mercy. “You and me, were going out there right now and were going to disarm every one of these, I don't care if It takes all night." 

    “Dad....." I said warily. I needn't say any thing more, he already knew what I was talking about.

    He looked at the big gaping hole in the door and quietly said, gritting his teeth,

“Its in the house." 

     Dad walked out and grabbed a rifle, I did the same and followed him. Stilinski pulled out his pistol and ran the opposite way. Suddenly Dad stopped in his tracks and looked out the window, the coyote was standing right there, my old demented doll underneath it. Why would the coyote want a doll? More confusing subjects to think about. Dad took off and attempted to shoot the beast two times, and failed two out of two times. 


          “Dad!" I said running after him. “Tate!" Stilinski ran after us, catching up with me, he made a phone call by his police car. 

           “It took the doll again? What the hell is so important about that doll?"  Due to my advanced hearing, I'd heard all of Stilinski's conversation on the phone and whoever he was talking to must've felt confused, I could smell it all the way from here. It sounded a lot like Stiles, and judging by my ears, it sounded like whoever was on the other end of the conversation was outside. The rusting of leaves could be heard from the phone.

     “I don't know, but listen to me, there are traps all over these woods, near the trails, probably near the crash. And Tate is out there with a rifle. I want you to stay out of the woods, you hear me? Stiles? Stiles?" So it was Stiles! A panging realization hit my stomach like a bullet shooting clean through my heart. Stiles was in the woods, and probably, so was Scott. I should've known they would've checked it out after their conversation earlier.

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